The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)

beC. 4 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE Tvler Courier-Times TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CARE FOR ELDERLY HELPWANTED MALE (jR FEMALE 32 SHtCRETAKY BUSINESS DIRECTORY HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 GENERA LOKKICE $4.50 Hr. This local company nds your penance filing typing late bookkeeping, pottton AR. A a i Csh reopts disbursem*nt and 10 key by touch 2Shr wk M-Fft- Advance Personnel 3927 S.Broadway 561-8204 GAh Motors Poniiac. Butch.

Cadillac. GMC Dealerships, 1M No Jackson, Jacksonville. Tx has a splendid iob opportunity tor the rtghi person as a pans manager Salary neg apply in person. HVbftOYtX.iNC: NEEDS-Saies Person to sell full line ot Quality Lubricants to Heavy Equipment Operators. Trucking.

Municipal, Governmental Agencies. Industrial and Commercial Accounts Generous Commissions Training Program Excellent Compnay Benefits For Personal Interview call 1-WXM43-1S06 or send Resume to HYDRO-TEX. POBoi 47B43. Depl. 68 P.

Dallas. TX 75247 iTyou are The best wait-person in town want to Make Big SIS call tor appointment. If you have lite re taiT management experience, this local company needs your skills lo manage store Minimal weekends No relocation. $11,700 bonus. Jonathan Key mployment 581-4491 IMMEOAITE OPENINGS RN.

$17,000 Licensed Phycoiggist. masters level. $24,000 Certified Social Worker BA or MSW $20,000 Accountant. Mtg exp. Reio Fee pd.Md$20 JONATHAN KEY HELPWANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 BKKK.

$950 Mo. Immediate opening for computerized Mkr It you type 50 wpm and have a general knowledge of ac-COunting-AP, AH bank recon- ctliiaiKkna Can Today Advance Personnel 3927 S. Broadway 561-8204 Busy office needing experienced Opthaimtc Assistant with medical nice skills S10.4O0 Jonathan Key Emplo )loyment 581-4491 Caretaker Couple needed for country estate Must be honest with current references, in good health, no minor children. Duties include maintaining 3 acres and mam house plus guest houses and pool, caring for dogs, keeping boats, equipment and providing security tor lake and premises Home and utilities furnished plus small additional salary Call 597-4967 tor interviews CARPENTER With' sheet metal experience Tools -Pickup Can PauMi-12 am 595-5556 CASAToTf Mexican Restaurant now taking applications for waiters. waitresses, cashiers, hostess cooks, A bus help.

5105 South Broadway, aShier Prefer grocery experience Low Fee Ootson Service 597-2653 CXSHIfIR3 FULL-TlME "PART-TIME Experienced only Don Wait Call Cynthia Thompson, 561-3856, Evins Personnel Consultants. 3406 SSW Loop 323 CTSCkTail WATTRESS-Exp polite, attractive, intelligent Apply in person CHAMPS, 713 Loop 323 COMMERCIAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Your ability to service commercial insurance accounts and a stable work history are the main criteria tor this fabulous position Be a part of this growing Tyler firm while expanding your career in this exciting field. To Si 400 Call 561-1181, Sneiimg and Sneti-ing. The Placement People. COUN 5ELOfi "nE Looking for more than a Ob7 Azieway Boys Ranch.

Tyler is seeking applicants for one ot the most challenging jobs in E. Texas Our work is hard, demanding, time consuming A frustrating. The rewards come from helping youngsters in trouble. However, if you like the outdoors, enioy fishing, camping, water related activities A have a good deal of common since, this man be the opportunity you have been waiting tor! Must be 19 or older, A ready to "Move In" Live-m position If you qualify, salary, room A board, life A health insurance are provided. Students at local Colleges are encouraged to apply 566-6444 for luther information.

Plus? Rentail Sales needs You! Can Gmny Kaiser. 581-3856 Evins Personnel Consultants. 3406 SSW Loop 323 DISCOVERY TOYees'moth-ers or teachers in Smith. Wood Henderson, and Cherokee Counties to demonstrate and sen educational toys. Part time, flexible hours, call 214-581-5617 HELPWANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 00 YOU WANT A JOB TO PAV WHAT YOU WANT A DESERVE7 SALES IS THE ANSWER' OUR SALES REPS AVERAGE S500 PER WEEK IN COMM A BONUSES CALL FOR INTERVIEW TODAY' 561-9966 Drummer for A Band to play in Athens.

Cedar Creek area Call 675-3436 Due To increase 6T business, now hiring waitresses A cooks Apply person between 6AM A 2PM Pit. Grill Restaurant. 53 1 -9034 E5ECeVlnTm an AGE me position Growth' Benefits1 Stability' Experienced only Call Elizabeth Davis. 561-3656. Evins Personnel Consultants, 3406 SSW Loop 323 Cxcellent Mgr.

framing' position open with Nat Co Degree a owmtjru TO 18K Jonathan Key Emplo loyment 581-4491 Exoerienced alteration ntnn A counter help, experience not necessary No phone calls please Quinn Cleaners Experienced "landscaped man needed Knowledge in retaining wails A landscape construction a must 561-1549 Or 595-1694 Exp. alterations person needed. $4.25 nr. CaJi 581-4491. Jonathan Key Employment Service.

Exp alterations person needed 4 25hr Jonathan Key Employment 581 -4491 Exp Cashiers needed. Eve. shift Apply in person: NUWAY OIL. Buliard. Face it Vour wilFcontTnuVtb live from pay day to pay day unless you get a great fob The problem is that a company won't offer a Fireat job unless you have had raining and experience.

This is true with every company The difference between our company and others, is that we will give you training and experience you need to become successful. Our training program is specifically designed for people who have had no prior experience. The is a career opportunity with a strong, young, aggressive, resort property developing company. NO soliciting Direct Mail brings the prospects to you. Advance all of our managers are promoted from within the company.

124,000 average first year. No travel, tor an appointment call 561-7238 9-5 FITE'S CLEANERS Seamstress needed. Apply between 4pm A 6pm 120 Troup Road. 593-1163 GIRLING HEALTH CARE, INC Is interviewing RN's and LVN's To work in Home Health making visits to patients homes Goodies include: Patient health teaching, dressing changes, venepuncture, catheter changes. NGTube maint and other nursing interventions.

For an appointment call W7-3S33 TEXAS LARGEST HOME HEALTH AGENCY GfWNDMA FRIED "CHICKEN. Whitehouse needs Exp. Break-lasl Cook a Vegetable Cook. Call B3S-7311 HXMBUHGtWS FENCH FRIES. BREAKFAST, a LUNCH' We need a person who likes to cook, likes customers.

WILL work Our new Deli manager has an opening and will take calls from-ll a ONLY Ask lor Bill.at561-532a HELPWANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 Employer MFHV 36 Private "Duty Nurses Medical Team Care Heaiih Services inc Providing for your needs RN VN S. HHA's 4 Live-ms you are your loved one needs our services please can hr service Taking Time To Care V-CDUCATIOKAL SCHOOLS 41 TRAINING AirlineTravel Agencv Int I Aviation Travel Arlington. Tx 76006 The major travel school in America Estab 1971 Call 1-800-492-2160 Approved TEA'Accred SACS MUSIC, DANCING. DRAMATICS 42 for Piano. GUr-taf Voice, Strings.

Brass. Woodwinds or Percussion lessons Fully qualified instructors An ages A levels, reasonable rates' Texas leading private instruction studio 581-5461 INSTRUCTIONS 44 WOW FNHoT ON fj PIANO STLJ. DENTS FOR FALL SEMESTER TYLER. 581-7848 Piano "lesson's." Andy Woods Scnooi area S6 0038 minutes, beginners 593-9697 VIMERCHAMDISE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 50 ALLLOANSCASH SID PAWN SHOP LOANS-BUV-TRADE 3500Glaoewaler Hwy. 593-7979 "-v "Apple II C.

$600 Apple II dual disks. S900 581-3876 APPLIANCES New- Used Hayes Furniture Appliances. Old Troup Rd BEAUTVShOP Cuts 15 Seis J6 50; Cold Waves 120. Curly Curls 120; 593-7995 Beauty Shop Equipment 3-Stattons wchair A mirrors 2-Shampoo Bowls wchair. 4-Hair dryers 1-colie machine, 1-Oisn-play case Ph 963-5320 BELL RENTAL CO NO CREDIT CHECK TV's stan at S4 95 whly Rent ap- filies to ownership, all types ot urnilure available- 203 Elm.

Ph; 593-8388 Bunk" Beds! complete $200 $450 value Ouade Cane, SIS bedside commode chair. S20. 593-6193 buying" TOP PRICES paid for and Foreign coins, stamps. Tyier Stamp Com Co. 400 West Rusk BUY SELL TRADE Pawn Loans up to J300 Shotguns.

Rities. Saddles. Guitars. Need Color TV, Discount on all Jewelry Try us before you buy THE PAWN SHOP ,322 FRONT 595-1020 CASH EXCHANGE 125NGLENWOOO We maKe loans on anything ol value up to S280 We buy A sen guns, diamonds, gold, stereo equip, tools, etc CASH FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE-ST, 000-150 000 MUST BE PRICED RIGHT Call Mark, 825-6622 cutters, $100 PH 597-9838 CROSS-TIES 50 each $5 50 over 100 Delivery available 581-0913 ENCLOSE YOU fAYlO or ADD A PATiO. tor a new HOT TUB Irom D-BAR Home Improvement on Hyw 155 S.

2 8 miles from the loop 561-4514 GIFTS A STUFF "Quality For Less 10-7 1120 Bow St (214) 592-9294 Jewelry Novelties, Tricycles Strollers. Phones, Stereo Equipment. Handbags, T-Shirts. Caps "Having a IS AfiAGlTSALE FREE Price Tags-To make your Erie 1 no chore a little easier Call EN FITZGERALD REALTY 597-25l5orGAYLE POPE. 561-4616 If you are paying ore than" 10 cents tor large plastic trash can liners or leaf Dags you are paying too much" Buy (hem by the box a Save1 SAMS OFFICE FURNITURE.


Hwy 69 Tyler, Texas ft TRAIN FOR TV A GOOD PAYING SUPERIOR TIAININC SIIVICES Headquarter: Phoenix, Az. Put your good secretarial skills to work in this exciting office today' Your desire to succeed and grow with this company could lead to oflice management' Must be willing to work weekends in this challenging business $650 Call Sneiimg and Sneiimg, The Placement People SECTY D.O.E. Must be experienced, front desk appearance a must 50 plus wpm Call today Word processing experience helpful Advance Personnel 3927 S. Broadwav 561-8204 Sell AVON Earn 35 to 50 Can Jennie 592-5252 STORE MANAGER Need a mature individual to work directly with owner in Managing a 35 yr old Tyler Firm Management sales experience perf erred Mon-Fn 8-5 Very diversified job tor a career-minded individual Salary open depending on experience Send resume to Manager. Box 41 16, Tyler Tx 75712 Trouble shooter needed for at least 3 months supervising work on problem 152 unit low income apartment complex in Ft Worth Must nave extensive background in rehab and lease up If you know how to cut expenses from the front office thru the equipe-ment room and can fill up vacancies in a highly competitive market, you have a challenging job that will pay you well1 Salary keeping with experience Call 581-7437 Upscale Palestine Salon needing nail care andor skin care specialist.

Send resume to 107 Ben Milam. Palestine. TX 75801 Waitresses Needed The Pmk Panthur Club Hwy 31 East Apply in person Thur Fn Irom 4-7pm Top pay plus tips. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 20 people for telephone work. Please call 59M614.

We are seeking a "teacher certified in High School ArtEnglish II qualified please contact, joe Minter, Superintendent: Como-Pickton ISD. 214-488-3600 WESTERN CHOICE Positions available for food prep, bus person, and waiter waitresses Apply in person at 4020 South Broadway No phone calls please if TELEPHONE" SALESPEOPLE Needed immediately, day 4 evening shifts avail No exp necessary Call 595-3346' SITUATIONS WANTED 34 Affordable rV6usecTean7ng discount tor Senior Citizens 597-2804 CTuisliarT "lady" will clean your home or oltice Reasonable rates 597-9S65 Or 592-1020 HOUSE CLEANING REASONABLE RATES CALL 595-1693 iROninC" LAUNDRY 5 PCS S4. Wash 4 Fold $4-15 15pcsS10. Per Loan Honest. Dependable A Guaranteed Call 592-8006 Anytime Let rne do your dirty work General house cleaning, character references available 566-4502 LOOKING FOR INDIVIDUAL TO PICK UP FOURTH GRADER AT OWENS CARE FOR PRESCHOOLER IN AFTERNOONS IN YOUR HOME OR MINE Call evenings 561-6889 SEWiNCS ALTERATIONS" Spec.

Children womens 581-8224 VViLL OOTronING IN MY HOME PH 597-3091 CHILD CARE 35 Active PrescooTnearning envr-ronment, outdoor play, good nutrition are emphasized by Mother of 2 my home Near Rice Elementary: 581-4422 Affordable "Child" Care by Exp Mother Weekdays near Ciarks-ton and Colleges. Call 595-1237. Affordable, "quality child care Days or nights Andy Woods alter school pickups Daily planned activities. Call Teresa 534-1 748 Afternoons only pick up 4 5 yr olds trom Rice. Owens, and ALL SAINTS Maybe Green Acres.

Stepping Stone. Geneva I have 8 years ot teaching and caring experience Limited enrollment 561-4H9 aPTI'r sChooUCare will pick up at bell 592-8493 Vickie BDSV AS a'bEaVe'r' DAY" care CENTER-Open Now taking Fall enrollment, ages 2-13 yrs 1414 Academy 593-0679 Child CYreirT BuiTard' Former leacher Learning activities Hot meals. 18 mo up 894-7571 Child care in my home Hot lunches. snacks Downtown area Infants welcome 592-0568 Chiidcare" my home "Day mght time openings Swan. Tyler.

Lmdaie 593-2392 HoMIbAY Care" m5T her has TWO FULL TIME OPENINGS FOR AGES TWO AND UP LICENSED WITH THREE YEARS EXPERIENCE 839-2881 InTahi Care" 3' "mo" M-P ef-Highlands 581-8224 Kindergarten Teacher'wTyears'of exp. day care has openings for ages 1-5 in reg home Special activities hot meals Near South-park Shopping Center. 581-7847, iTTLtTFtrrNDS DAY CARE MNFANTS-4 YEARS) FIRST ASSEMBLY ACADEMY K-5 THRU 3RD GRADE) 200 N. BECKHAM ST 592-4453 Mature" Chr7stian Lady" to" keep children in home Clarkston School area Call 566-9527 WALTER FAIR DAY CARE $40 wk, Afternoon School Care 15 wk. Kindergarten Pickup After School Care.

S30wk, S25 Reg. Fee. 566-8359 Whitehouse, Christian Mother of two would like to keep 1 or 2 elem age chiideren aMer school. Will pick up Call 839-6475 i tehb cku Christian Mom. Also mghts-weekend care 839-3320 SCHOOLS 41 32 MATURE DEPENDABLE CLAIM -CLERK Send resume lo Bon NUi.

Tyler. Medical Records Sect'y 8949.00 MO. It you have dictaphone experience and can type 55 wpm accr this iob could be yours Medical or Psyciatnc Terminology helpful Candidates will be tested Advance Personnel 3927 S. Broadway 561-8204 MEDICAL TFHNOLOGIST Needed tor full service internal medicine clinic Must be laminar with all areas ot medicine laboratory work Please send resume to Med-Tech. Box 5100.

Suite 118. Tyler, Texas 75712 Need 3 key people with burning desire to succeed A willingness to work Mr Byrant 561-5620 NOTICE t0 JOB APPLICANTS The Tvter Couner-Times-Teie- Rraph does not knowingly accept eip Wanted Ads from employers covered by the federal Wage and Hour Law it they pay less than the $3 35 hourly minimum Wage tor non-tarm employment OR it they do not pay time and halt for work in excess ot 40 hours in a workweek required by law nor will this newspaper knowingly accept ads from covered employers who discriminate in pay because ol sex or accept an ad which discriminates against persons 40-65 years in violation ol the Act Contact the Wage and Hour Division Office ol the Department of Labor at 214-767-6294, Dallas. Texas OFFICE FLOATER $4.50 hr. If you like vanty. this iob could be tor you Large company needs exp 10 key by touch IBM er.

40 wpm, general knowledge of accounting helpful. Polygraph required. Advance Personnel 3927 S.B road wav 561-8204 Office nurse with previous experience needed tor this position with local medical practice Salary DOE. Jonathan Key Employment 581-4491 OFFSET PfUNTE EXCLUSIVE Looking for a idetime career'' Your 2 years experience on an A Dick 360 or RVOBl 2600 is what this outstanding East Texas Company needs Pnde in your neat work is a must1 To $15,600 Slus other considerations Can S1-11B1, SneMing and Sneiimg The Placement People OPTICAL TKCH. SD.O.E.S Previous optical experience preferred for this S.

Tyler Office Typing 50wpm. pegboard and general office experience needed. Call for an appt Advance Personnel 2927 S. Broadwav 561-8204 PLANT CONTROLLER-Manufac-tunng Plant in Mineoia, TX needs hands on Controller. A Mm ot 3 yrs exp a Accounting Degree is required Areas of responsibilities include Plant Accounting.

Monthly Financial Reporting. Financial Analysis. Purchasing. Employee Relations Budget Payroll Plant Security. Send resume ref to Godooid.

O. Box 809025. Oalias. TX 75380-9025. EOE Position now open for a Certified teacher early childhoodKinder- Sanen Nine month contract.

ay 16.555 up Jonathan Kev Empli ovment 581-4491 PROPERTY ANDCASUALTY INSURANCE We are seeking an individual with Commercial property and casualty experience Call Woody Davidson at 593-831 7 for interview. Public Relations, no promises, the facts are 62 million Americans are taking vacations with new concept in vacationing, most ol us like lo go whenever, wherever, do it our way on vacation or just weekend get-a-ways. This program is designed with that purpose in mind Come 10m our Public Relations Team to promote this world wide network ol fantastic vacation destinations Call for an interview, 825-2120 Wed-Sun RECepfiONlSt Part lime. 1-8. 14 hr Low Fee Dotson Service 597-2653 RETAIL MANAGER Put your energetic personality to work tor you today in thts up-beat fashion-conscious organization' If you're ready for hard work and being rewarded for it by salary Rius commission, this is the OD you Work your way to the top with this outstanding retail career, M00 Call 561-1181.

Sneiimg and Sneiimg, The Placement People. rktajl management Your artistic ability and the desire to manage an exciting operation could out you in an unusual position. Owner is wiling to tram the right personality with good com-muncation skills and some retail knowledge, Escalating income during the first year over $10,000 Call 561-1181, Sneiimg' and Sneiimg. The Placement People PN needed for doctor's office" For more information Call 581-1772 Competetive salary excellent benefits, apply in person at Leisure Lodge Nursing Center. 810 Porter Tyler Texas 75701 roaId design" Successful Austin based consulting engineering firm oilers excellent career opportunity for Texas P.E.

in grownmg organization. Canidate must have 6-10 yrs exp. in road drainageplanning, traffic engineering highway design Excellent company benefits salary commensurate with experience Send resume to Cunningham-Graves Inc BOX 200727 AUSTIN. TEXAS 78720 EOE SKirNTrb POSITION In Fmancinai Services Company. We train, so personality more important than experience Perter part time but will consider full lime, High earning potential tor self starter.

No affected by oil decline. Affiliated Investments Inc. 581-7470 STCTEACMTtST HOUSEWIVES, WAITRESSES $500 per week in comm and bonuses Full Time. Pari Time inside sales. Days or evenings For interview call 581-9984, STCReTary- Types 50wpm, AP, AR, Low Fee Dotson Service 597-2653 Sick ol living from payday to payday? Possible earnings of from $900 to $1200 part i me or $2000 lo $6000 full time.

Karen 561-5536 HELPWANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 OUTSIDE SALES Local, Long Established Beauty Supply Wholesaler has Sales Opening in Established Territory. Applicants must have dependable car be bondable. Liberal Draw against commissions. Call 593-9172 for interview appt. LeasePurchase o'an iv stereo furniture, appliances safeties No credit needed, service a ae-livery included Al a Television Center 1700 Front Tyler or 210 Broad St Mmeoia Mary Kay Cosmetics entire inventory, show materials saies jids at less than 'i pnee 7-0 bin 8am-2pm A 6pm-9pm only 4 Movino must SflH HOllytree Country Club Sociat Membership M2-5779 Must Sell 220 At with heat strip excellent condition 597-2182 Nutritional Products and wf.qm tosscontrol products more energy? Products lOG1- guaranteed' Doctor approved Can SheilaHarold 593-0136 office furniture used NEW we have one ot the largest selections ol used furniture Texas Desk, die cabinets chairs, tables, bookcases, drafting tables, show cases, office supplies, steel shelving ano much, much more SAMS OFFICE FURNITURE 2318 Spur 124 Open Monday through Friday.

9 Qfj in 5 30 Closed on Sat PKACKFULVXU.KY KNDISSINC. Trading Post 401 N. Boisd Arc 592-4118 9-6Wkdavs, 1-6 Sun. EW PMK NTS ARRIVING DAILY Antiques New used Bdr sets appi wwarranty. patio sets new rechners.

dinette whuich new matt (water 4 Dunk) start J1QQ WeiiiWorlh A Trip That is PEACEFUL VALLEY jNO See to appreciate! 1325 20' girls bike, S20 Pamsonic cord-leas phone. $50 Ladder for above 3 round pool-like new. $40 820 oei. 561-9932. Power Yard Tree Sprayer.

25aai tanks. 2 hp engines used 4x Cost 600 sale Tor $300 581-0207 Queen Size Mattress box springs, mattress rebuilt last month Exc shapeSiOO 597-9838 RCa XL100 $5" in' Console Color TV. Call 561-1708. Reconditioned color TV Guaranteed $100 Rent to own $10 Free Estimate on repair Pick-up 4 delivery 593-2116 We buy tv working or not BIB TV Sales 8 Service Residential Attic Fans. Commercial Wan Cabinet Fans Portable Blowers.

GULF STATE LUMBER CO 302 Line, 593-9465 Riding mowers, push mowers tillers, small engine repairs 300 Ba scorn. Whitehouse. SCULPTURED NAILS $20 Thur. new customers 561-5995 Sears Dorm Ref ng. A Nike red Air Jordan shoes eiec guitar boat motor, gas can swivel seat, golf irons, weignts bench Call 5W-7924 Skat Blest Box Sand Blaster ec cond sacrifice at $750 Can 581-8484 att 6pm Siate Snooker table 6 cues, pooi snooker bans 5X9 $2,000 19 it Holmes boat trailer.

$1000 214-753-1050Longviewl SOUTHERN RENTALS RENT TO OWN TV STEREOS APPLIANCES FURNITURE 420 LOCUST 592-3549 SOU ARE DANCING) APPAREL-Dresses, Skirts. Petti coats etc Size 10 REASONABLE! 597-2963. Tyler f'Tea MarkeF open everu weekend Sat 9-6 Sun. 1-6 at East Texas Fair Grounds off West Front Household items old ana new from A-Z USED AC" WINDOW UNITS FOR SALE GUARANTEED FOR 30 DAYS 592-6795 WATER BEDS custom made water bed frames starting at 153 complete waterbeds available with tree delivery 595-2290 WE BU TV WORKING OR NOT 593-21 16 WEDDINCT DRESS, "valued at $850 will sacrifice dress, vail. sup an for $250 Very beautiful Can after 6.

566-4579. Wood Wall un'it." commercial itn- Sene chest, misc. display racks at racks. DR mirrors. ouvered cafe doors, comm door mat misc 593-9771 or 581-4220 WO COt HE FOR SALE Shirts $2 00 up, Pants $2 50 up CRESCENT LDY 312 FERGUSON SSINSTANT CASHS6' For Mobile Home axles tires We remove 825-22l3aM 5PM Tft 1 ATTACHABLE ROOM with bath-closet, shelves $3500 839-7916 Poriabie Storage" Building tor sale, double doors $1299.

Delivered 894-7297 IrT "0ElTATABLE SAW COMPLETE Wf BLADES 2 MOTORS 1440.330) (220) $1500 214-549-2577 EVENINGS 16" Flavor Hussman Ice Cream Box: Aloha Ice Shaver with Foot Peddle; Cotton Candy Machine with bubble. 20 Gal Eiectnc Hot Water Heater: 6 Tables. 18 chairs. Ail used 4 months Also Odds ends Giant quails 214-876-2258 5 "ice Taylor' "soft serve or shake machine. Sam Oftice Furnitures 593-5373 Teaciv 100 2Vj x6 post $75 each 839-7659 or 561-2654 SKW(5nan Gen "seP Excellent condition, less than 300 hrs Ph 963-5320 55 GAL BARRELS BUY-SELL Surplus Discount Center 593-5281 593-2101 Mi Past Loop On Glaaewater Hwy Flatbed Trailer, $900 14 gooseneck $375.

Call 593-4369 GARAGE SALE 51 SUNSHINE HOUSE First Christian Church Corner Broadway 8 Loop NE Annex Rear of Church Open Tues 4 Thurs 9AM-4PM Clothes, Household Items Price Now Thru Sep 10Tam7tysaTe crotheT (furniture, glass, shoes, sm appiamces books, antiques Approx. 6 miles North Hwy 37 out of Quitman, took tor signs. ANTIQUES 52 ESTATE SALES" We will Buy or tell your estate Ret. Avul 8B3.5845 10-4 GOLD TAGSALE Now's your Chance to Save On Outstanding American, English a French Antiques. SELECTED ITEMS 15T025Off LAKE PALESTINE ANTIQUE MALL OPEN DAILY Tues.

-Sat. 10 a.m. til 5 p.m. Sun. 1 toSp m.

15 mm. Irom Tyler's Loop 323 On Hwy. 155 A Lake Palestine Weekend Oft Antique Armoires. Church Pew, blanket chest, dressers. Bedroom suites Oueen Anne IS16 Chairs Oecoratives etc CLASSltS, 1519 Pinetree Longview.

Sunday 1-5. Monday-Sat 10-5 LAKE PALESTINE ANTIQUE MALL Ottering the finest in American. English French Antiques OPEN DAILY Tues. -Sal. 10 a til 5p Sun, 1 toSp.m.

Closed Monday 15 mln Irom Tyler Loop 323 On Hwy 155 S. i Lake Palestine FLEA MARKET 8 a m. todark-thirly. Saturday Sunday the Third Weekend ol Each Month For More Into. Call 825-7285 NT-rar-TtrTrTQaES-i PIECE OR HOUSEFUL PEACE EUVALLEr TRADINQ POST, To Buy fiilte SaieTf Trading Post JEWELRY AND DIAMONDS 53 581-4491 I NEED 10 OUTDOORSMAN The largest outdoor recreational company in the US has tuiitime marketing positions avail to hunters a fishermen with first hand experience in TX We offer good pay.

insurance package plenty of hunting A fishing Mr. Fletcher in Oallas. 214-699-0621. I NsTdE SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The insurance industry is expanding daily and needs your expertise in customer service. This stable Tyler firm needs your experience in both health and life policies.

Super situation tor the person who wants top growth potential. $800. Call 561-1161. Sneil-mg and SneMing, The Placement People. ft ER MA MEAT CUTTER DSC King Saver Apply at 1333 Troup Hwy.

with Mr. Arwine. LAND SALES REAL ESTATE Expanding development company seeks agressive salespersons to market sell local sub-dtvi-sion. Excellent commissions bonuses Substantial opportunity for person to hire staff and have own opperation Must be honest and self motivated. For into call collect (318) 861-4600 LEA3M7sECrYS $150 Comm.

This local company needs a proven sates Rep tor the Tyler surrounding territory Guaranteed salary A car allowance. Advance Personnel 3927 S. Broadway 561-8204 Live on the lake Wonderful setting, wonderful job opportunity Husband wife team for travel trailer park Maintenance exp req tor husband Mgmt. sales personality tor wile Send resume with salary history to' Consultant, Attn Shelly, Box 633, Tyler, TX 75710 Loanljd7tdrneededwith FHA -VA A Conventional exp. Must reio $10,200 Fee paid Jonathan Key Employment 581-4491 Looking for good Land Salesmen New Development Lake Palestine, great inventory, waterfront and lakeview Call 561-7238 tor appointment 9-5 iVifirGH iGG TO WORK! Good Benefits Salary Growth" Call Cynthia Thompson.

581-3858. Evins Personnel Consultants, 3406 SSW Loop 323 Must have exp $3 60 an hr Low Fee Dotson Service 597-2653 IvTa NAGE ME NT Janitoral service looking for career minded individuals Must be willing to start on night shift Salary to $18,000 Please send resume to CLASSIFIED BOX 32 76M. Tyler, Texas 75710. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Busy executive looking for responsible person to learn business and share in management duties. Must be willing to learn.

Up to $16,000 to $22, 000 plus company benefits 214-980-0025 ATi AGtFTTR A I NTS Retail experience required, Low Fee Dotson Service 597-2653 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 SALES TRAINEE CAREER OPPORTUNITY If you will t. Good communication skills. 2. NASD reg. required.

3. Willing to work 4 days a week, 9 hrs. a day. while training. 4.

Must have desire to earn a provisional income. 5. Dress professionally. Wi 1. Extensive training 2.

Salary while in training. 3. Hospitalization insurance after training. 4. Nice working conditions.

5. Career opportunity with a rapidly growing Texas Corp. For Interview: Call, Mr. Peabody at ext. 1444 between 9-5 at: (214) 592-6866 or toll Ires out-of-state (800)972-1014 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 29 COMPLETE" REMODELER Rooms added on.

garages enclosed, caomels, rools. sheet rock acoustic painting We do ii an Free Estimates. Fair Prices. 639-4581 8394350 Beaver remodeling a paint Aii jobs welcome, commercial residential, tease work, ad-ons. conversions, painting miem.

acoustical ceil waitcoverings. drywau. 32 years exp Glenn 214-569-6666 Steve 214-569-3523 CONSTRUCTION Call us tor att your Building A Remodeling needs Free Estimates Let talk Can 566-2481 anytime Repairs We TT Renmore. Whirlpool Washers A ail brands of Electric Dryers. Cook Stoves.

Heaters A Lawn Mowers We buy non-work-ing appliances 595-3604 Roofing CEMCO CONSTRUCTION We specialize in new roots, tear offs and reroots and root repairs An work is guaranteed, compare our prices to the competition For free estimates can 592-5862 TYLER ROOFING CO? New A Residential Pooling All Work Guaranteed Free Estimate Tyler References 597-4152 Roofing" Re-Roots, tear otfs. leak repairs, guaranteed work, free estimates. LANDMARK REMODELING 639-3342 Company "free Estimates-Fair Prices-Fast action-f nendiy Service-Written guarantee-25 yra exp Call 839-4561 or 639-4350. Joe Jones Itoofing A Remodeling, an types ot home improvements, tree estimates 593-5394 SIMONS ROOFING Free eiimates. references 882-5417 Septic Tank 5elcnT(sArneacTeanecr aB work guaranteed Whitehouse.

Ta 839-4080. "HSOrJS SPTVCTANkr SERVICE Grease traps septic tanks cleaned Reasonable rales. 1 day service. 593-3011 WEWPTrCmANINS $40 00 SPECIAL 593-3912 GREASE TRAPS $25 UP LOCAL 'fines installed. Septic Tanks gravel tor sale Free est 593-2854.

Septic "Tanks4" Grease 'Traps. 3(f Call 597-8084 LockeySepirc Service "Septic Tanks, cleaned (35.00 Also Grease Traps and Field Lines Cleaned 597-8491 Siding season "STDiwrj-ATOTmro CO. Walter Atchley. since 1958 steel vinyl alum rm additions 588-1300 or 1 -800-442-8986 Steps PHECAST "COTICHETE STEPS Gull State Lumber Co 302 Line 593-9465 Swimming Pools Spas For complete swimming pooT service call Khemcare 214-873-3160 Top Soil Excellent quality topsoif-rotten sawdust, bark Delivered 7 days a week Call Maxwell Lumber Co al 597-6295 or 694-7246 OuaTTRTOP SOli MOWING LOT LEVELING 593-6815 Tree Service TKSrVETlS THEE SERVICE Tree Removal A Trimming Insect Control A Fertilizing Free Estimates 5614114 paui7s tree service inc. Serving Tyler Over 14 Yrs.

Complete care Courteous service, insured. FREE ESTS Paul 592-4254 ZEMERS TREE MAINTENANCE STUMP REMOVAL Complete tree service Free estimates Reasonablereliable INSURED. Call Mark. 882-6458 Rainbow Tree Service Insured Free Est. Call 593-6455 THRONES YOU CAN AFFORD PAUL BRUCE ILL 593-3757 OR 593-4083 Video Rent ourmovies In your store on consignment no investment required We supply everything lor more information call 581-7345.

Water Welis CUSTOMIZED DHOINtT" PUMP SERV ICING-PROMPT ABLE DRILLING 595-5854 Yellow or workover. Free estimales Call 1214) 469-3017 Allen Shallow water well drilling Septic tanks. traps, water trougns Arp, 859-4442. home 859-8902 Yard Work WILLIAMS YARD MAINTENANCE FREE EST. 593-9119 ROSE CITY Complete lawn care Honest, reliable, experienced FREE ESTIMATES 595-3969 OR 581 -1 1 1 3 joe'sTawncare" 1 Time or Year Round Mowing.

Edging. Raking. Hauling, Trimming, TiDing. Priced Right, Free Est. 597-3441 597-4202 ALL TYPES YARD WORK Mowing, edging, leal raking, tilling, top soil 882-3753 BI LLS LAWMOW1NG SERVICE Serving South Tyler A Lake Palestine East 581-6386 IV-EMPLOYKEMT HELP WANTED MALE 30 General Maintenance ReTper needed tor maint.

A remodeling co. Call 593-2452 for interview. Ornamental Iron EslTrnaWrTabfP cator Installer. Musi be thoroughly experienced Lew's, Inc. 1716 E.

Erwm HELP WANTED FEMALE 31 Cashier for Self Service atTon! Must be mature A willing to lake polygraph. Day shift. 592-6954. Chiidcare and after school tranT-portation needed for 7th grader at Hubbard Middle School. 593-3007, leave message.

Mmonstrators needed" t6show toys A gifts for House of Lloyd. Set your own hours with weekly paycheck, free training with no investment, no collecting or delivering. Call 593-1376. 592-5806 or 649-6707 Need mature Dependable person to work Weds thru Sal 10 30 to 4 30 Typing and knowledge of ladies fashion helpful. Apply in person at The Nearly New Shop 903 Lindsey Lane.

HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 ADVANCE A FREE FRESH MAILED LEADS Up to Sl.OOOweek commissions selling our cash burial Insurance and medicare supplement plana. 214-597-5897 AUDITOR TO $15,000 Customer service representative needed for this local distribution company. Must have excellent math skills and be wilting to travel (no overnight) will be auditing accountsneed reliable car company will pay mileage and expenses. Advance Personnel 3927 S.Broadway 561-8204 Army National Guard is offering cash enlistment bonuses of SI 500 to 12000 Over $5000 in college tun lion assistance, plus a student loan repayment program to qualified individuals. Check it out) Call 21 4-592-1 568 29 Petes Ca'Mntry.

No iob too uw interior inn) Punch oul Cad 894-4168 CAftPENTfiY Boom additions baths kitchens complete horn improvement LANDMARK WEMGOELING Aesdentar A Commercial Carpenter Work. Cabinets, showcases, block panetmg add-ons painting. 25 yra asp Lanny Wil-turns 534-1 722 no robs too small MM HUMPHRIES Carpentry Painting. Sheet Rock. Cetdng Tue free Estimates 592-077.

Action Const Co We offer remodeling, painting, sheet rock carpentry plumping No too too big or too small for tree estimate W2-0705. 8251 53 all 6pm flinch Construction duality Work at Reasonable Rates Call 666-2461 tease Message Carpenter Work-Odd ioos Painting inside 6 outside Complete remodeling tree estimates Travis Carter. 566-1567 Concrete Work Free Estimates 597-6100 or 639-7372 COnCAeTe" WO P. k-fasV quality work guaranteed Slabs Si. 50 to $1.75, Flatwork $1.25 to $1 50 Ph 561-0624 or 595-5504 Concrete work.

Free estimates ItC -bonded Tractor Work Our-re Pierce Concrete Co 597-3459 MT Wail's. dribes slabs, etc Mark England 595-2039 vVfNfCR CLOSE ALL CONCRETE WORK CALL US FOR ANY JOB. LARGE OR SMALL. 593-0464 PrVfer small I concrete obs" Free Est Sdwlk. drwy, oaliO etc 593-5276 concrcteTwork commer.

license bonded 581-2535 Concrete Work Lie 6 Bonded House slabs, driveways, patios no Ob too large or too small. 561-9665 or 593-6260. Culverts 3 rVFETS ViT? State Lumber Co. 302 Line 593-9465 Dirt Work Residential or Comm ercia rSTte Preparation. House Pads, Dozer Work, Grading.

Asphalt Driveways, Backhoe Work. 561-3761 FiiTSand TCM Yd iron Ore $6 50 Yd 16 Yd Minimum Delivered in Tyler area 894-9248. 894-7756 or 639-6498. ATTPhases loaded, backhoe. dozer, motor grader, all types Rock A Iron Ore, Sand.

Oil. Dirt Reasonable rates Call 566-1314 or 566-0065 Afi ype sordTii Wor CofleveT-ing. clearing, building pads Septic tanks installed. Also dirt for sale. We haul or you haul.

Murray Construction 593-2620 hTl RDTrTaB Sck hOE wC TOP SOIL. (RON ORE, WASHOUT GRAVEL 682-6366 WE DO lTLL. also landdearmg. fill diri-rock-iron ore. we haul, load, and clear land house pads If it can be done we can do it and do it right Call Mr.

Sanders at 561-2609 Tyler or 894-9366 in Buliard and Jacksonville. General Dirt Work fill dirt, top soil and gravel PH. 862-6990 Dozer Work LTncT Clearing. Ponds Rnari building, uimeio maintenance. work lots.

Reasonable rales. Can 666-1314 or 566-0065 DOZEft VvRkTLrcieaTingrTev-etmg. Ponds. A under brush removed. Pat Korkmas 592-0409 DOZER WORK PH: 597-9539 Dozer Work: Ciesrina Stock- ponds.

General Dirt Work 682-5203 or 882-3136 Fence Work Farm. Ranch. Residential Tenc-ing. Barbed wire. rail, chain link.

Stockade Donald Gray 858-2313 Firewood Firewood cut to your specif ica-tions order early for best prices 593-2394 or 593-3536. Hauling ATGENEBAL RSDTInTS We Haul almost anything, fast dependable service 593-3169 LIGHT HAULING Reasonable rates! 581-6053 Complete Loading, Clean-up Hauling service. Fast Depend- House Leveling TYIJEFOLJAflON" AND LEVELING Cracked Slabs a specialty; also pier beam sills replaced, brick wans leveled A straightened Ref Call 592-3014 Landscaping MASTER" GARDEN ETJTTxperT ence in all areas of gardening. Specalized planting and pruning. References 597-6466 Mowing DGGlWT-UOWTfj City A Lake Lots, pastures.

Free estimates. R.W Lewis. 593-1460. Mowing. Leveling.

Dozer work. Call Pat Korkmas 592-4409 IJOsTOmTOvvinG City lots 6 acreage For tree call Blake Graham. 593-3016 AAA Quality" Lawn-Maintenance Residential Commercial Exc Work At A LOW Price 695-0600 reasonable rates, hour or acreage. 566-1164. Brushhogging" DTscTnjT LotT.

Pastures. Michael 561-5720 Brush 'Hogging. Mowing, OTive Leveling grading. Call 566-2471 alter 5:00 Painting PAINTlNGInTerT67" work guaranteed Call tor tree estimates. Robert Tucker.

597-0583. HYDRO LAZER 581-3733 Pamt'g-Waterproof g- Restor Brick refurbishing process less costly than sand blasting. Expert water leak repair Free Est JAMTErRAFT-392T3136 Interior A Ei tenor Painting Same References for 20 Yra. For all your painting and repair needs since i960. For free estimate call Bruce Welch.

561-3102 Pnt7nTs7deou Ing, A bedding paper hanging Ceiling blow Bobby 593-2662 Boyd AaimTSSSiWorESf-ffiT Painting, staining, ceilings blown, minor repairs. Quality CustorrTPainli ngnTeTior-Ex tenor, Spray or Brush. Reasonable Rates. 18 years experience References available. Free estimates.

Days 581-2423. evenings 114 PTolessTonal pairMmgVnior exterior. Free estimates. Call Randy 597-3159 Painting work for low prices Free estimates. Call 581-6652 Top prices Experienced.

Mark Foster 597 3271 Piers Built FIERS, boatnouses, reTamihg wail Lake houses Ref turn, free estimates Dick Graves. 566-2359 Remodeling 3 CONSTRUCTTON'-Tihe Craftmanship. Remodeling A Building, Room Garage Enclosures, Kitchens, Baths, Cabinets. 597-5317 CEMCO CONSTRUCTION Tyler's Residential Remodeling Specialist. We specialize in garage enclosures, custom kitchen remodeling and add ons Compare our prices to the competition We can still buMd homes for S36 per square foot.

Call 597-3967. ScrTtchfi'eldTs Re motfe ngTPa i nT mo, Roofing, Additions, Free 563-5733. 502-2019, 592-6762 Wood flooring quet, Nail-down and Glue-down Elenk Clean quality work backed years experience. Call Designers Specialty contractors. 561-2423 attention vnrn an si Borrow uo to $15 000 at 10 75 plus FHA insurance for up to 15 yrs.

me isk vvivrar'ci numa Improvement Loan Program is a treat opportunity A $15,000 loan or 15 yrs. Is $174 39 mo. which Includes FHA Insurance Call WEATHER GUARD at 593-31 0i SALES PERSONNEL The 1 convenience store in the world. Advancement potential Regular pay reviews Excellent benefits Wt currintty havi opportunities In Tyler Palestine. Interested candidates pltiu apply at: in ill Any Tyler or Palestine Location Equal Opportunity NEED A JOB? Get Into The Business World In As Little As 6 months, You can train to be In the business world, 'Executive Secretary 'Private Secretary Data Processing Secretary 'Junior Accountant CLASSES START Days -Sept.

15 Nights Sept. 22 SPACE IS LIMITED Call lor more Information TYLER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 561-4384 WOODGATE IV SUITE 660 We Train Months, Not Years SR Superstore has immedlateopeninas available in SALES MALE OR FEMALE Professional sales skills required. Unlimited opp. money, Co. car.

Quality people need to apply. Selling Lincoln, Mercury Honda. Contact Mr. Price, 561-5225. our Sales Department, plus we are expanding We are Interested In people whoenjoy people and know they can sell it.

We'd prefer some experience, but for the right person, it's not required. For the SR team, we're looking for people with a clean cut appearance and personality complimented by an aggressive and hard working NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR: Managers- up to 30,000 plus! Salet Specialists- up to 30,000 plus! BENEFITS INCLUDE: Be a part of the world's fastest growing industry, Consumer Electronical Work with brands like Sony, RCA, Zenith, Whirlpool, and morel PLUS: Comprehensive Training Program 'Profit Sharing Hospitalization Ufa Insurance Disability Income 'Paid Vacation In addition you will be paid for your training period. FOB CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW APKYMFCMON Monday-Friday 10am-5pm SR SUPERSTORE 2301 South Broadway (at Troupe Highway) A Stireveport Refrigeration Co. Do You Want A Better Life? LET US SHOW YOU HOW WITH COMPLETE SECRETARIAL TRAINING YOU CAN BECOME ALL YOU WANT TO BE. FALL CLASSES NOW FORMING! DON DELAY-CALL TODAY LIMITED ENROLLMENT TYLER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE A Branch of Bish Mathis Institute 621 Ferguson Tyler, TX 503-0160 SALES HELP NEEDED Salary plus commission.

We need some eager and ambitious people. Apply at 1944 ESE Loop 323 in the TOM THUMB SHOPPING CENTER. 592-5757 CASH For old coins gold silver dia- MMe8C'M r'nB' E5TXTE DiAMOrTrTSAiT-Vaiue up to 18.000 On sale 1295 to MOO. Some 14K Antique pocket mnu supplies last. SID 5 PAWN SHOP HWY 271 TYLER TEX 593-7979 "INSTANT CASI-F- Want To Buy Diamonds 592-41 18.

The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.