The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

the alete NEW list American YORK of THE Stock (AP) stock-bond 2 Exchange NASHVILLE -Following transactions Is 2 Wednesday. 1 on TENNESSEAN. Gray Gloray Glackin GlenDisB GlobeSec Kn .75 1.20 70 .50 Thursday, 164 1 227 11 April 18-8 11 9, 165k 1964 4 Quebec Radiatn Ind .32 Lith 113 Work Wilson WilsBr WoodNM WoodJohn Wr Bros pf1.25 .60 Rac .72 .80 .60 2250 z150 8 101 1738 10 17 12 12 American Stock Exchange Quotations Aber Pet 2 G1 Am Inds Acme Ham Bas Pet 60 Miss Acme GtLak Chem 10 Acme Prec .10 31 GtWProd ,10 3 AeroF low Hyd 393 40 Greer GrocStr 1.60a 7.25 AeroE1G ,50 Aeronca MVF .941 1834 GrowCp .121 10 43 Aerosol 10 121 Guerdon Ind 34 13 AirpihA 130 Gulf Am Ld Aileen 601 Alanwd 19 19 Gulf Sta Ld 12 12 12 Airl 236 73 63 Gulf Sulphur 142 All StaProp 61 Gulton Indus 69 15 Alaska AllegAir ,281 Amer 25 Alleg Cp wt 85 85 Hall Lamp Allied Art Handlem AlliedCon ,40 9 9 HansVW Hardeman 36 Allied Pap Alloys Unl Harnisch .60 Alsco A .18 Harvard Ina 2400 Hazel Bish 129 Alcoa Ambass Oil 23 43 Hebrew Nat Amco Indust 11 41 Hecia Mng 27 2413k Am Beverag 18 Heinicke 958 93 18 1.30 30 40 40 40 Heller pf5.50 290 30 A Book 1.80a z100 104 Am Electron HendPak ,40 18 Amisrael 081 19 HercGal 18 7 Am 15 HigbieMf 1.10 x5 MARCI AmPetro Highway Tr .15 ASafeEq 17 173 WHIlISUpA 3 19 19 AmSeal Thrd pt.25 HiltonHot at 53 A 31 Hoe Co ANelex AndyGd Corp A AngLaA Hoffm Intl AngWup .40 3 Hofm Hollingr Indust 13-16 13-16-1-16 AntPools Corp Apache Corp Holly Strs 15-16 15-16 15-16 Corp 45 28 16 APL Ind Holophn Apollo 1.80 APPw p14.50 270 93 Holyoke Aqua Chem 10 18 HomeF in .60 Inc 10 hom*oA Argus ArkLGas 1.20 38 hom*oB 16 wi .60 12 Armour Arrow Elect Oil 30 13-16 Hoskin HrnHBk 5.50 z20 99 99 99 Asamera AsdBaby .20 2 458 How HubblIA El Mot AssdFdSt .20 HubbliB Assd Laund Assdoil 93 Corp Astrex Inc Hudsn Vit .70 Astrodata Hughes 1.717 22 193 Atco Chem 134 Husky Oil 34 6 1-16 6 AticoFin. .30 Hycon Mfg 230 At Research .171 Hydmetal 20 Thrift HygradeFd 19 19 AtlasMin. IMC Magnet AtlasCo wt ImpChm 6 1-16 6 1-16 6 1-16 AtlasGn 7-16 Impoil 1.40 15 45 viatlas Sew 1 imp Tb Ca fn.60a 7-16 Aurora Rad 3678 IndElHd Automat 80T- Indust Plywd Un 23 AutStIPd InlandCr 3 8 8 8 AyrshColl 1 InsNAm 18 95 Intl Brewer Int Oil Gas Int Products 7 Bakerind .60 1 IntStretch .20 21 Bald Mont 00 Interphoto .35 BaldMon pfl Intex Oil 00 BaldSec ON 13 Inv Roy Banff Oil IpcoHosp .25 15.

Barnes Eng 155 Israel AmOil 3-16 BargnTn Irving Air -00 12 BarryWr .50 Bartons 16 Baruch Fost Bayview Oil 13 Jeann Glass Beck Jeff Lk Bearings .60 JeffConst .20 3 Shoe Bell Elect Pet 91 Belock Inst Jupiter 10 Benrus .511 117 20 Kaiser 110 .30 2.20 Jeff LP 18528 28 BerkeyP Kaltman Beth Cp 34 KatzDrg Bickfords 7.50 BinneyS KaufBd .80 Birdsboro Cp Kavanau .60 Borne Chem Kings 4 Bowser KingPd Bohack .451 18 8 18 Kidde BloomB 478 Kawecki 18 Bloomin Kay Jewelry 8 8 Kilembe Bowling Corp 25 a Strs Bowmar Inst 678 Kingsford BradFoot .10 Kinney Ark Oil Bradford .120 Kirby Pet Serv 17 Braz Trac 69 SEE KleerVu 30 30 Breeze 21 BrAm Oil fn1 KleinDSt Brit Pet fn.22r 9 7-16 9 Klion HL Brooks Inst 4 Knott Hot BrownCo .60 Kratter 9 BrownFB .40 17 Kropp Forge 2 BrownF pf. 40 Lafy Rad Bruce EL LAigion App BSF Co Lanst Ind 2 Budg Fin .52 17 Lease PI 26 Budg pf.60 Lee Mot A BunkHill Lenox 29 Burgmas LeslieFay .48 Burma Mines 3-16 Levines 11 11 11 ButlerSh 8 8 8 .50 Caldor Lib Fab CalgEd Lithium Am CameoA .52 Lithonia Lig Campb Chib Livings0 CamMVCH Lodge Sh 16 Can So Pet 34 3 5-16 LongWit Can Dredge z25 Louis Sherry 3 3 ConExp 1-16 LaGasSvc .78 ConFarad .50 4 La Land 2.40 84 84 Cdn Javelin 46 Lundy Elec So ConMarc 00 LynchCp .261 Can Properts Can Williston 2 58 M-N Canal Rd .70 12 MacfadB Canaver Intl 10 Mack Trk wt 17 17 CapC CapCity Bdcast z200 14 26 MackeV 18 18 18 CareyBK Mackey Air 32 2 1 116 116 8 116 8 Macoid .20 16 Carnation z100 Magell Pet Caro PL pf5 Magna O11 Catalin 8 MePSvc 1.04 CCI Corp 15 MaiestS CenCharg .30 MangelS 1.20 13 Cen Hadley 11 9-16 9-16-1-16 MansTR CenSec 1.40e 64 18 18 8 8 CSec pfB1.40 z100 30 30 Martin wt Marlene .50 pfC1.25 z25 CenturyE .50 18 10 10 10 MaryCart Pt 10 Century Geo MaryCarPt A Charter Oil 10 2 1-16 1 15-16 1 15-16 Md Cup 24 33 33 CherryB Massey MascoCp fn.50 .24 20 Chief Mng 25 5 Christian Oil 20 Maule Ind 3 Chromal 30 14 14 McCull McCrory wt Cinerama 94 Oil CircuitF 1.301 MeadJn .68 ClarkCbl Medco A 7 Clarostat Melnor Menasco In .20 Clary Corp Clopay Corp Merrill Isl 15-16 15-16 CobrnCr 1.12t 11 Miami Ext CohuElec Mich Chem 16 Coleman 1.20 Mich Sugar ColonSd Microdot Inc 8 Commun Dis Microwave Compo Shoe MidWAbr .80 16 viCompuD Midwn Finan ComputS Mill Fact .60 17 Con Diesel MillWohl .10 Con Mng fn.80a MilIW pf2.25 34 34 34 .121 24 MirroAl 1.40a 32. 32 32 ConRoy 3 MoKanTex ct Con SunRay 158 9-16 Mohawk Airl 482 10 Construc. 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PrattL 2100 GenGas viPrec Micro Gen Plywd Prewar .081 Gen Stores PrenHall Gen SupMk1 PresRIA Genisco .30 Preston 7 7-16 7 7-16- Genungs .70 ProdRch GaPw p14.60 2100 ProgMfg SON 16 Giannini Prophet .65 Va Giant Fd .40 .64 GiantY PRicTel 1.80 64 64 Gl bert PyleNat Glass- Tite Qualimp Goldfield Prt Sales. Goodway Che. Gorham (hds.) High Low Last Mfg Your Money's a a a Worth J. E. a Stanford 8.

W. JONES berry, firmary. Survived 1964, Death Jones: Mt five by Mrs. enroule Wednesday father. Pleasant, daughter, 10 Mr.

Elizabeth Notices two morning. Bart Miss Tenn. local Jones. Gran Mary April In- Retailer Drives Aid Shoppers By SYLVIA PORTER It's common knowledge that revolutionary been taking place in retailing, that retailers' competition our dollar is the fiercest in history, that downtown areas have fighting 8 d- befit death struggle with shopping centers. What does it all mean to us, as consumers a workers? This interview with Robert C.

Kirkwood, president and chief executive officer of the F. W. Woolworth Porter oldest and largest of our nation's variety store chains, highlights some vitally significant points. Q. How is the "retail revolution" affecting consumers? A.

The competition, which is tougher today than ever before in history, is helping to hold down prices. It also has resulted in a greater selection and better quality of goods under one roof. To get and hold customers, reand convenience the shopper tailers are making, the comfort a matter of paramount concern. Store decor has been improved. Self-service from more attractive merchandise displays has shopping faster and easier.

Parking facilities are moron accessible. More convenient shopping hours are enabling the family to shop together. Q. What does the competition mean to us as workers? A. It has created an intense shortage of managerial and executive personnel.

The drive in retailing for good prospects is second only to that in the engineering field. As retailing undergoes revolutionary changes in the distribution of goods, pands and diversifies, it is mandatory for retailers to recruit trainees for management positions. Our company keeps recruiting teams on the go throughout the year visiting college and university campuses, and right now we have more than 2,300 in our management training program. There are tremendous career opportunities in retailing today. In fact, those who complete a training program successfully can look forward to responsibility, financial compensation, pensions and benefits equal to or better than those at a similar level in industry.

Q. How can downtown shopping areas continue to compete against the still growing suburban shopping centers? A. Downtown areas can compete suburban shopping centers if civic and business leaders meet the challenge with appropriate action and by this mean modernization of shopping facilities, exciting promotions and events, adequate parking areas and realistic approach to traffic control. Those who contend downtown areas are becoming obsolete should examine what Denver's Downtown Master Plan Committee has done to solve traffic and parking problems and to modernize. To illustrate our confidence in the future of downtown shopping areas, we enlarged our downtown store in Denver to an unprecedented 174,000 square feet, making it the world's largest Woolworth's store.

In Omaha, also expanded and refurbished in cooperation with that city's outstanding revitalization program. Q. Will the trend toward larger retail stores and "one-stop" shopping eventually eliminate the variety store? A. Definitely not. The impression that retailing will develop into one gigantic super-store may be created by the fact that retailers are continuing to over.

lap into merchandise lines traditionally handled by others. But the variety store, like the food and outlet drug with store, is an established strong alty. The techniques in merchandising and pricing are different from most retail outlets. The tremendous volume and range of merchandise carried in a variety store would be difficult to absorb. While variety stores are adding new merchandise lines, expanding and upgrading other lines, they continue to carry the staple items customers expect them to carry.

To indicate how wrong the impression is, there are in the United States today 21,000 variety stores with a combined volume of more than $5 billion a year. The clevage between variety and other types of retail merchandising will remain sharp and distinct. X15 Rocket Plane Warms at 3,477 MPH EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (P) An Air Force captain began warming up the X-15 rocket plane yesterday for a new series of high altitude research flights. Joe Engle zoomed to 175,500 feet, hitting a top speed of 3,477 miles per hour, in a craft equipped with wingtip pods to carry research instruments.

Dividends Declared Wednesday's Final Dividends Declared Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate riod Record able IRREGULAR Dreyfus Fund .10 4-17 Growth Ind Shrs. .29 4-9 4-30 INITIAL Gen Cable new .25 6-15 7-1 REGULAR Cdn Brew .10 5-29 7-1 Dennison Mf A .25 5-4 6-3 Denn Mf Deb Stk 2.00 5-4 6-3 Electrographic 30 5-11 6-1 Ford Motor .50 5-1 6-1 Globe Wernicke .15 5-18 6-1 Interchem Cp .35 4-29 5-15 Interchem pf 1.125 4-22 5-1 North Ind PS .37 5-31 6-20 Republic Cp .15 5-1 5-15 Rex Chainbelt .40 5-7 5-25 Stevens, JP .375 4-20 4-30 US Vitamin .175 4-24 5-15 Woolworth, FW .70 5-1 6-1 15 Most Active Stocks NEW YORK (AP) -Sales, closing price and net change of the fifteen most active stocks traded on the NY Stock Exchange Wednesday: Chrysler 125,400 Steel 69,800 573 Beth Steel 67,800 Tex Gulf Sul 64,500 295 Transitron 64,000 Tenn Gas 63,500 DuBois Chem 59,400 271 East Air Line 56.100 Bliss EW 48,300 21 Xerox 48,200 Cont Airline 48,000 28 Woolworth 46,800 RCA 40.100 36 Am Mch Fdy 38.100 183 Fairch Cam 37,300 Services Set Funeral services for James Edwin Stanford, 79, a former Nashvillian who died yesterday morning in Louisville, will be tomorrow at 10 a.m. at McAfee Funeral Home on Bardstown Road, Louisville, Dr. Carroll Hubbard, pastor of the Louisville First Baptist Church, will officiate and burial will be in Restlawn Cemetery.

Stanford was a retired journalist. While in Nashville he was editor of old Southern Agriculturist Magazine. He left Nashville in 1943 to become executive secretary of the Kentucky Farm Bureau, where he remained until his retirement three ago. He member of First years, Baptist Church in Nashville and taught the Maxey Jarman Sunday school class from 1936 to 1943. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs.

William Vance Thompson, Columbia, a son, John Edwin Stanford Nashville; and four grandchildren. Mrs. Hattie Sullivan FRANKLIN, Tenn. Services for Mrs. Hattie Udoria Barnhill Sullivan, 75, will be at 1:30 p.m.

today at Franklin Memorial Chapel. Burial will be in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Sullivan died Tuesday at hey, home.

was a native of Williamson County and a member of the Church of Christ. Surivors include nine daughters, Mrs. L. D. McCord and Mrs.

Ernest Daugherty, Detroit, Mrs. William Caldwell, Mrs. Percy Sparkman and Misses Delores and Wilman Sullivan, Franklin, Mrs. Marion Akin, Thompsons Station, Mrs. W.

D. Jones Kingsport, and Mrs. R. E. Fox, Nashville; three sons, Leroy, Franklin, E.

Thompsons Station, and M. Sgt. Guy Sullivan, U.S. Army, Formosa; a brother, V. I.

Barnhill, Thompsons Station; 21 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Pattie Gossage Services for Mrs. Pattie Lucas Gossage, 85, of Lebanon Road, Donelson, will be at 1 p.m, today at Cosmopolitan Funeral Home, The Rev. W.

M. Lantrip and the Rev. Vernon McGhee will officiate. Burial will be in Estill Springs Cemetery, Estill Springs, Tenn. Mrs.

Gossage died here Tuesday after a stroke. She native of Nashville. Mrs. Gossage was a member of Blakemore Methodist Church. Survivors include daughters, Mrs.

Woodward Adams, Nashville, and Mrs. Harry Davy, Atlanta: two sons, Richard, Louisville, and Joe Gossage, Fort Worth, two sisters, Mrs. L. Robertson, Tullahoma, and Mrs. Frank Curl, Tucker, 10 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren.

Grover C. Gray Jr. Grover Cleveland Gray 32, of 513 S. Seventh died yesterday in General Hospital. Services will be at 2 p.m.

tomorrow at Cosmopolitan Funeral Home. H. Coy Porter will officiate. Burial will be in Woodlawn Memorial Park. A native Nashvillian, he was a son of Mrs.

Mary Alyne Cornett and the late Grover C. Gray Sr. He attended Nashville public schools and was married in 1959 to Pauline Potts, who survives. Other survivors are a son, James Howard Gray, Nashville; five sisters, Mrs. H.

E. Watts, Mrs. James D. Holt, Mrs. William H.

Higgins, Mrs. Louise Curtis and Mrs. Ruth McClellan, Nashville; and his stepfather, Shirley L. Cornett, Nashville. Mrs.

Mary Tucker Mrs. Mary Carr Tucker, 72, of 741 Ben Allen Road, died yesterday afternoon in Baptist Hospital. Funeral arrangements were incomplete last night. She native of Macon County, and a graduate of Peabody College. Mrs.

Tucker was a member of the Eastern Star and Inglewood Baptist Church, where she was active in Sunday school work. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Henry Alexander Black, Nashville. Kelly Lish FLOWERS Green Hits Village AM 9-9611 Death Notices BENNETT-April 8, 1964, at a local infirmary, Samuel Cowen Bennett. Survived by his wife, Mrs.

Tinnie Preson Bennett, daughters, Mrs. R. L. Maning, Mrs. Johnn W.

Jordan, Mrs. Benton Womack, Mrs. Jack Mainland, all of Nashville, Mrs. Arthur H. Anderson, San Diego, Mrs.

Kenneth A. Meade, Madison, brothers, Tom Bennett and Ed Bennett; sisters Mrs. Ed Pitts, Mrs. Will Sharon, Mrs. Linsley Smith, all of R.

Bennett of Nashville, Mrs. R. M. Lee of Smyrna, Tenn. Remains at the Marshall-Donnelly-Combs Funeral Home, 210 25th Ave.

North. Complete notice later. CURTIS April 8, 1964 Mrs. Ruth Lee Curtis. Survived by husband, R.

L. Curtis daughters, Mrs. Ruth Wallace and Mrs. Gertrude Tidwell, Nashville; sons, Leroy, Robert and Raymond Curtis, Nashville, Rhea L. Curtis Donelson, Oscar Curtis, Lyles, Tenn.

and Carlos Dowell, Smyrna; sisters, Mrs. Lula Maud Richardson, Mrs. Katherine Evens, Mrs. Gertrude Hager, Nashville, Mrs. Bessie Mai Clark, Clinton, lowa; brother, A.

J. Peal, Nashville; 23 Remains grandchildren; one great-grandchild. are at the chapel of Pettus-Owen Wood, 4506 Charlotte Ave. where services will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock conducted by Bro. John W.

Beasley; sons will serve as pallbearers. Interment Spring Hill. PettusOwen Wood, CY 2-3392. HOOD -Wednesday, April 8, 1964 at a local infirmary, Mr. John Wesley Hood Sr.

Survived by wife, Mrs. Mattie Lou Hood; daughters, Mrs. Erwin Demonbreun of Nashville, Mrs. Bradford Demonbreun of Joelton, Mrs. Betty Rossi of Chicago, sons.

John W. Hood Jr. of Madison, Tenn. Robert C. Hood of Hendersonville, Billy Hood and D.

Hnod, both of Nashville; sisters, Mrs. Magg Jackson of Indiana, Mrs. Belle Williams of Newburn, 21 grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. Remains ere At Jarrell's Memorial Chapel. 4503 Charlotte Ave.

Complete funeral arrangements announced later. Jarrell's Memorial Chapel, C.Y 8-4455. KEIFER April 8, 1964, Clarence Lee Keifer, Survived by wife, Mrs. Sarah Terrell Kelfer, Remains are at the chapel of Pettus-Owen Wood. 4506 Charlotte Ave.

Complete arrangements will be announced later. PettusOwen Wood, CY 2-3392. FLOWERS Harrison Bros. Prompt Countywide Delivery 6th 6-5191 Death Notices GRAY-At a local hospital, Wednesday morning, April 6, 1964, Grover Cleveland Gray Husband of Mrs. Pauline Potts Gray; father of James Howard Gray; son of Mrs.

Mary Alyne Cornett; step of Shirley L. Cornett; brother of Mrs. Hillary E. Watts, Mrs. James D.

Holt, Mrs. William H. Higgins, Mrs. Ruth McClellan, Mrs. Louise Curtis, all of Nashville.

Services at 2 p.m. Friday. Cosmopolitan Chapel. Friends will serve as pallbearers. Interment: Woodlawn Cemetery.

Remains at Cosmopolitan Funeral Home. GREER-Wednesday, morning, April 8, 1964, at a local nursing home, Miss Clute Greer, age 83 years. Survived by sister, Mrs. Thomas H. Burton, of Nashville; several nieces and nephews, The remains are at Putnam Funeral Home Pikeville, Tenn.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, April 9, 1964, at 3:00 o'clock, at the Pikeville Church of Christ conducted by G. F. Gibbs. Interment Pikeville Cemetery. Putnam FUneral Home, Directors.

GOSSAGE-Tuesday afternoon, April 7, 1964, at McKendree Manor, Mrs. Pattie Lucas Gossage, age 85. Daughter of the late Foster G. and Annie Carden Lucas. Widow of Joe Gossage, of Estill Springs, Tenn.

Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Woodard Adams, of Nashville, Mrs. Harry Davy, of Atlanta, Ga. Two sons, Richard C. Gossage, Louisville, and Joe L.

Gossage, Fort Worth, Texas. 10 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren. Two sisters, Mrs. R. L.

Robertson Tullahoma, and Mrs. Frank Curl, Tucker, Georgia. Active pallbearers, Joseph W. Adams, Dan G. Adams, Woodard Adams Paul H.

Davy, Richard Davy, Pat Davy, Roger Gossage, Joel Gossage. Service Thursday at 1:00 p.m. at Cosmopolitan Chapel. Ministers, Rev. W.

M. Lantrip and Rev. Vernon McGhee. Interment Estill Springs Cemetery, Estill Springs, Tenn. Remains Cosmopolitan FUneral Home.

KERR-Tuesday, April 7, 1964, 2 p.m. at a local infirmary, Mrs. Lucile Kerr of 908 Acklen Ave. Survived by mother, Mrs. Ella Marchbanks; daughter, Mrs.

Lee Ella Martin; brother, Mr. 0. D. Marchbanks; son-in-law, Mr. John W.

Martin; four grandchildren, other relatives, friends and COworkers of Pearl Senior High School Cafeteria, where she was employed for 20 years. The remains are at Donalson Funeral Home, 821 Main St. and will lie in state at Sylvan Street Baptist Church, 326 Arrington Friday, April 10, 1964, from 10.00 a.m. 'til time of services at 1:00 p.m. conducted by her pastor, Rev.

Moses Taylor and others. Flowerbearers will be Ushers of the Church and members of the Good Will Service Club. Pallbearers will be officers of the church. Interment Hills of Calvary Cemtery. T.

C. Donalson, Directors, Phone 228-0603. THY- -Tuesday morning, April 7, 1964, at a local infirmary, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Byrd McCarthy, Widow of the late Francis McCarthy. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs.

Samuel Phillips Robinson, of Blytheville, and Mrs. James Read Mcilwaine, of Nashville; two sisters, Mrs. John J. Mitchell, and Mrs. Clarence S.

Zumer, both of Louisville, Ky. Her remains are at Martin's 209 Louise Ave. Funeral Thursday morning, April 9, 1964. Leaving at 8:45 o'clock, for Requiem High Mass from the Cathedral of the Incarnation at 9:00 o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Dr. Addison B. Scoville Wiliam A. Strasser, Hubert Buquo, Tom Stewart, Tom Ed Murray, E. W.

McGovern, Dr. 0. Cromwell Tidwell, all of Nashville, Dr. Hunter C. Sims and Dr.

Hunter C. Sims Jr. both of Blytheville, Henry M. Bailey, San Diego, Paul J. Boggs, of Winston Salem, N.

Lawrence J. Spore, of Newton, and Herschell Ezell of Midland Texas, will serve as honorary pallbearers. Active will be-Edward J. Hines, Michael J. Cain A.

P. Otterson Alex F. Wade, Edward L. Strasser, Raymond J. Bottoms, Robert M.

Tigert, William M. Martin George deR. Hill, and J. L. Perry Jr.

Martin's, 209 Louise 291-0610. McDONALD Tuesday afternoon, April 7, 1964, at a local infirmary, E. Howard McDonald. Survived by wife, Mrs. Ann McDonald; sisters, Mrs.

Effie Ingram, Nashville, Mrs. Lester Donoho, Louisville, brothers, Boss McDonald, Edgar McDonald, both of Chestnut Mound, Leo McDonald, Nashville. The remains are at the Eastland Funeral Home, 904 Gallatin where services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, April 9, 1964, conducted by Rev. Donald Kribbs.

Honorary L. Grubbs, George Yancey, A. B. Graves, Warren Carney, Henry Vester, J. F.

Burton, W. M. Lellyett, Melvin Russell. Active-Swen Ericson, Eric Ericson, George A. Yancey, Floyd Ingram, Tommy Griggs, James Lochridge.

Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Eastland Funeral Home, CA 7-4424. PENDLETON Monday evening, April 6, 1964 at a local intirmary, Colonel C. Pendleton, 170 Wharf Ave. Survived by wife, Mrs. Katherine Baltimore Pendleton; daughter.

Mrs. Nellie Lee Reno, McMinnville: son, Sterling Pendleton, Morrison. a a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren, 1 brother, B. Pendleton, Madison. Remains rest at the funeral home of Phillips, Robinson Co.

where funeral services will be conducted this Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Virgil Johnson, assisted by John Eads. Active pallbearers: Robert M. Hill, John W. Hill.

Billy Joe Harris, Joe Savley, James W. Clayton, Carl Baltimore. Phillips, Robinson directors. ITT. Wednesday afternoon, April 1964, at her home, 1201 McAlpine, Mrs.

Myrtle Chunn Pewitt, 84 years of age. Survived by 3 sons, Roy and Milton Chunn of Nashville, Robert Chunn of Ft. Lauderdale, two daughters, Mrs. Virtie Pate of Nashville, Mrs. Edna Denton of Donelson; stepsons, Luther and Emory Pewitt of Brentwood, Guy Pewitt of Nashville; step-daughters, Mrs.

Phoebe Sullivan of Nashville, Mrs. James K. Jennett of Brentwood, Mrs. Joe Roberts of Columbia, Mrs. Marshall Liggett of Franklin, Miss Margaret Pewitt of Nashville; one sister, Mrs.

Josie Sampson of Nashville; 34 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, 3 great-great-grandchildren. The remains are at Franklin Memorial Chapel where services will be conducted Friday morning at 10 o'clock by Elder Herbert Robinson and Elder Milton Lillard. The following grandsons will act as active pallbearers: James Bixler, Jesse Pate, Roy, Clifford and Charles Chunn, Jimmy Jennett, Max Hanberry, Danny Polk, James Ayers. Interment in Allen Cemetery at Caney Springs. Franklin Memorial Chapel, fUneral directors.

RIDLEY- Tuesday afternoon, April 7, 1964 at the residence of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Christmon, Route 1, Nolensville, Mrs. Maggie S. Ridley.

Survived by four daughters, Mesdames Mattie Hendricks of Detroit, Minnie Gooch of Nolensville, Lizzie Morton of Nashville, Tenn. and Betty Christmon of Nolensville; seven sons, Messrs. Clifton, James and Claude Ridley, Nolensville, Joe. Douglas and Curtis Ridley, Nashville and Thomas Ridley of Chicago, two sisters. Mesdames Mary and Minnie Ridley of this city; stepsister, Mrs.

Clara War ters; brother, Mr. Dudley Ridley 32 grandchildren, a devoted grandson, Joe Willie Ridley 10 great-grandchildren, six daughtersin-law, four sons-in-law, one sisterin-law, one brother-in-law. several nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends. Remains are at Hockett and Sons where the family will receive friends Friday evening from 8:00 10 10:00 o'clock. Funeral services.

Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Nolensville Methodist Church. Nolensville, Tenn. Rev. Green Jobe, Rev.

J. S. Elders, Elder R. C. Malloy and Rev.

Charlie Vanderleer officiating. Friends will serve flower bearers and pallbearers. Interment Nolensville Cemetery. T. T.

Hockett and Sons. Service. I AL 6-2584. WITHERS- -Wednesday, April 8, 1964, William Survived by wife, Mrs. Pearl Cornwell Withers; daughters, Mrs.

Phil Fowler, Hendersonville, Mrs. Charles Graves, Memphis; stepsons, Fay and Joe Cornwell, Nashville: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Withers, Nashville: sisters, Mrs. Leacle Chicago, Mrs.

Bob Riley, Nashville; brother, Calvin Withers; seven grandchildren. Remains are at the chapel of PettusOwen Wood, 4506 Charlotte where services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, conand Rev. Ted Debolt. followducted by Bro. Roy, Vaughan ing will please serve as pallbearers: Had Krantz, Cecil throp, Kenneth Phillips, John Beats, William Preston, Robert Ray, Leonard Duke, Ernest Cunningham.

Interment: National Cemetery. Pettus-Owen Wood, CY 2-3392, five R-S Ramer RapidA Rath Pack Ravette 36 483 4834 RealEin 1.20 RealProp 96 REDM Corp Reeves Brd 27 Reeves Ind 96 41 4 Relianin 1.32 Rem Ar .600 11b5 113 Repubind .30 76 9 Rep Tran In 12 4 41 Resistfix 40b Restaur As 91 RIC Grp RicoArg Ridgeway Cp Rio Algo 12 RioAlgom wt RioG VG 20 Robin Tech 13 RochG pff 4 2100 RogersC RollinsBd .50 17 Roosev Field Ross Prod 5 Rowlnd Prod 13 Roxbury Royal Amer Roy School Rusco Ind Russeks Inc 43 43 RyerHay .20 StLawCp 20 20 20 Salem Bros DiegG pfl 3 pf.90 SarceeP Savoy Indust 13 13 21 8 8 SaxPap pf.60 Savre Fisher ScreenG .60 Scurry Rain 21 SbdAMill .30 Sbd Plywood 3 3 3 Sbd Airlin 226 Sealectro Cp tr Seeman Bro 26 4 Sel Rex 40 5 .80 23 13 13 Servo Corp 12 Seton z300 Shaer Sh .64 ShatDen .20 91 -1-16 SigOil 85 SigOil pf 2.40 18 Silicon Tran 14 Silverk Prec 149 3 11-16 11-16 Silvray Lt SkyHom Oil 3a 7200 52 3 -1-16 SincV Slick Corp 19 6 6 Sonotone 5 SossMfg .60 15. 15 South Coast SC orgpf1.05 250 SC 4.32pf1.08 12 So Gulf Util Speedry A 12 7 Sperry SpenShoe wt 53 57 8 5 Sports Arena 30 .60 18 Std Forg .50 2 StMetals StdMot A .75 13 13 13 StdProd 10 Std Shrs .90 32 32 32 Std Thomson St TubeB 5 Stanley Stanrock Ur 121 1 1-16 1 -16-1-16 Star Ind Statham Inst 13 SteelPart .80 2 21 21 21 Stelma 19 StepanCh 12 23 Stephan Co Sterl Al Sterl Prec Stetson 1a 30 30 Stop Shp Strong Cobb 54 3 Struth 29 1258 Stylon Corp 4 Sunair EI Sunsetin 52 12 Supmk0 Supronics SwaneeP .100 39 Syntex 347 81 Systron Donn 14 12 T-U-V Talley Indus 34 9 9 TampaEl .48 17 Tech Measur 19 20 1 Technic Oper 7 2 Technii 112 Tel A Sign Telectro Ind Teleprom Teleregist 89 Telereg wt Telev Ind 3 3 Ter Hudson 3 3 Texstar Textron EI 5 Text Inc wt 18 Thomp Star 19 ThorofMkts 1 3 ThriftiA 1.20 23 23 TillieLew .40 8 8 Tob Sec TobSecD TonkaToy .40 Tower Univ TransLux .60 13 13 13 TWA wt 200 TCA 185 95 Transuwill 2 Tri TravLer Cont wt 39 18 TriangCC 30 00 Tubos A 28 TrueT 1.20b Tubos 79 Unishops Unexcell Ch Unit Asbest 3 2 9-16 Unit Can OG 32 1 11-16 1 9-16 UnFoods 7 7 Un Impinv 1124 US AirC .10 USCer US Nat Gas USRUbR 10 10 UnitStkyd 20 39 Un Am 55wt Un Am 62wt Contain .30 Control .20 UrisBldg wt Utahids 13 Valspar 26 ValveCp 14 Venture Cp Victreen 1038 Viewlex ValronCC .50 VitaFood 60 3 Vogt Mfg 80 22 22 VTR Inc 317 8 8 W-X-Y-Z Waitt Bd 3 Wakefld 8 8 Walth Prec 158 Weiman 458 Webb Knapp 7-16 WnNucir Wn Equities Webb Kn pf WnStkin Weyberg Westates Wheelabrat 1.20 Pet 43 WestbFash BarEBo8: 3 Whippany 11 11 11 White Int 160 9-16 9-16 White Stag 213 Whitmoyer 145 WichROil Wieboldt Strs Williams Bro Williams RC Wms McWm 40 Wilshire Oil 33 2 11-16 Wright Harg 9-16 9-16 9-16 Yonkers ZaleJwly Zap Off-Sh Zion Foods Alsco 74 AppEl Assd0G 6575 Bloom BosEd DLNJ 4593A FstNR Fotoch GenDev 6575 Foam 6581 GILd Harde Hoff Int 7573 Kalt 6577 Living BellH 6584 NRsrch 5576 Nucir OhPw Peru 3 597 RapAm 7567 RapA RealE SCE SCE SCE 3565 SIGas Telereg 6580 TCA Un Imp 6576 WebbKn 5574 14 4 10 24 BONDS 12 8.5 85 85 16 124 123 124 1 82 82 82 90 90 90 75 79 79 79 6 12 105 105 105 2 214 211 211 98 98 98 9 116 116 10 78 77 78 3 95 95 80 100 100 100 86 86 86 15 132 124 132 77 39 67 67 SALES Approx total sales 1,530,000 Stock sales year ago 1,100,825 Approx total bond sales $400,000 Bond sales year ago $397,000 v1-In bankruptcy or receivershhe being reerganized under the Bankruptcy Act, or securities assumed such companies. xi-interest. st-Stamped.

flat. x-matured bonds. maturity. nd-Next day dellvery. cid-Called.

Ex warrants. ww-With warrants. NASD Prices The following are obtained tional Association Inc. They are the approximate securities could by bid) or could cated by asked) tion. Bid Amer Inv Amer Nt AmOldLI Co CIB 14 CherinsC Com Un 34 ComKy 33 ConnGen 190 Fst Amer 49 FSFD 14.19 Grt Amin 16 Grt Com 44 Gult Life Int.

Lif Jeff Std KyCentral 23 Kennesw LiberNtLf 75 Life Ga 220 LifeofKy Allrt. Pkg Amer 43 Anco Co. 17 AmGypCo BritACo 9 7 Breekolnd Calgon 38 Car Lab Chat Gas 8 Chr Mtge Coniny ConstCrdt Crouse 21 Delta SS DestGrpA 5 Downtw 7 DrexEnt 32 Ethyl 69 Evansic Fed Com FstWFin 17 Fox Stan 6 Gen Sh Ham Cos 12 Haw Pac HornesEn Int 25 JamipMk Khring Ky-Tenn 50 bid and asked prices from members of the of Securities Dealers, intended as a guide to range within which have been sold (indicated have been bought (indiat the time of comple- Asked Bid Asked 71 73. LincAmer LincNat 172 182 16 Nat Life 104 108 NatOidL 26 36 NW Nat 52 55 35 NatWide 200 NatALf 11 51 Mu Sav 14 15.50 Occ Life 17 Old Line 70 75 47 OhioStl 53 56 ProvLife PeoProLf 115 120 SunLife 48 25 South 150 160 TennLife 80 Third Na 98 108 ThosJefL 5 235 Un Plant 63 I Unit Sec CORPORATE STOCKS Kusan 44 19 Miss Gas 6 MthrsCk Mod Hms Moore 40 RR 35 Ramada 9 Recinds 5 6 2 Red Pic Kap Sch SeCapit 23 Siegel 18. SouAir Stein Ha a Ster Seal 35 TennNTGs 71 TrnBusSv 45 46 Term Tr 11 12 TVShMnt 18 UnBucFr 6 UnNucle U.S.

Plast Vance 17 5 Wells Wakrueg 27 WatWilT Rd WKGas 23 Womet U.S. Bonds NEW YORK (AP)- -Closing over the counter U.S. Government Treasury bonds, bid, asked, net change and yield for Wednesday. 65 99.4 99.6 66 99.9 99.11 4.08 3s 66 97.24 97.28 3.96 66 98.6 98.8 4.09 67-62 95.24 95.28 3.89 67 98.5 98.7 4.16 68 68 98.8 98.28 98.30 4.16 98.10 4.17 68 Nov 98.23 98.25 4.17 68-63 93.20 93.24 3.98 45. 69 Feb 99.14 99.18 4.10 69-64 June 92.24 92.28 45 69 Oct 99.14 99.18 4.08 69-64 Dec 92.4 92.8 4.04 70-55 91.24 91.28 4.05 4s 70 98.30 99.2 4.17 71-66 90.22 90.26 4s 71 98.22 98.26 4.04 71 97.22 97.26 4.21 4572 Feb 72-67 June 98.14 98.18 4.22 88.16 88.20 4.16 45.

72 Aug 98.14 98.18 4.20 72-67 Sep 88 4 88.8 4.17 72-67 Dec 87.28 88 4.16 4s 73 98.8 98.12 4.22 74 97.2 97.6 4.21 85-75 100.4 100.8 4.22 45. 80 97.20 97.28 4.18 80 91.4 91.12 4.23 83-78 87.2 87.10 4.22 85 86.18 86.26 4.20 92-87 100.8 100.16 4.22 90 88.14 88.22 4.23 45 93-88 97.14 97.22 94-89 98.8 98.12 4.22 3s 95 83.12 83.20 3.92 98 87.12 87.20 4.18 Prices quoted in dollars and thirty seconds. Soot Metal NEW YORK (P) Spot nonferrous metal prices yesterday: Copper 32 cents a pound, Connecticut valley. Lead 13 cents a pound, New York. Zinc 13 cents pound, East St.

Louis. Tin 1.33¾ a pound, New York. Foreign silver 1.293 per troy ounce, New York. Quicksilver 265-273 per flask, New York. Farm Products Nashville Livestock Fed-State Dept.

of Agriculture Estimated 1400 steers and heifers arriving for spring feeder sale Thursday afternoon. CATTLE: 174. Rather limited sales most classes about steady except cows again active strong. Standard and good 800-1000 lb. slaughter steers 18.50-20.00; same grades 550-800 lbs.

heighers 17.00 19.00. Utility cows 14.25-15.50 instances high utility and commercial 16.00; canner and cutter 12.50-15.00; shelly lowyielding cows 9.00-12.00. Commercial bulls 18.50; cutter and utility 16.00-18.00. Medium and good 350-550 lb. feeder steers 21.00-24.00; same grades 300-600 lb.

heifers 17.00-21.00; few common 15.00-16.50. CALVES: 82. VEALERS: Moderately active weak to 50c lower. Good and choice 27.00-29.00 few good 26.00; bulk standard 22.50-25.00; utility 120 Ibs. 17.00.

SLAUGHTER CALVES: Scarce strong; good 340-400 Ibs. 21.00-23.00 instances choice 24.00. HOGS: 697. BARROWS AND GILTS: Moderately active steady to 25c lower; closed active; late high 15.00 on full load U.S. 1-2 200-210 lbs.

some lots 1-2 200-225 Ibs. 14.75; mixed 1-3 195-250 lbs. 14.50- 14.75 few highly mixed weights 14.25; few sales 2-3 260-295 lbs. 13.00-13.50; lot 1-2 180 lbs. 13.50.

sows: Weak; 1-3 300-550 lbs. 10.50-12.00. SHEEP: 59. Steady. Choice 105 Ibs.

wooled slaughter lambs 22.00; few good 75-80 lbs. 18.00. Nashville Poultry Hens and broilers steady, eggs firm, prices 10 unchanged. Heavy hens 5 pounds up cents, light type and leghorn hens and old roosters 7 cents, broilers at farm 13. cents delivered 14 cents per pound, large A eggs 28 to mostly 29 cents, A medium eggs 25 to 26 mostly 25.

Current receipts 25 cents per dozen. Nashville Grain All grains unchanged. No. 2 oats 74 cents, extra heavy oats 76 cents, ley 1.05, shelled white and yellow corn 1.27, No. soybeans 2.46, No.

2 milo 2.05, white and yellow earn corn 6.50. Chicago Produce CHICAGO -Chicago Mercantile Exchange- butter steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; 93 score AA 92 A 90 89 55; cars 90 57; 89 Eggs steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged: 70 per cent or better grade whites 29; mixed 29; mediums standards 28; dirties checks Chicago Eggs CHICAGO (A -Futures trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange: Sales Open High Low Close SHELL EGGS Sept. 52 32.20 32.40 32.15 32.35-30 Oct. 32.30 32.40B 32.30 32.358 Nov. 32.40N FROZEN WHOLE EGGS Oct.

24.75 24.75 24.75 24.75 Nov. 0 24.758 asters, brothers, uncles, che niece. four nephews, other relatives and friends. Complete arrangements to be announced later, Protective Funeral Service in charge. TUCKER -At a local hospital, Wednesday afternoon.

April 1964, Mrs. Mary Carr Tucker, Sister of Mrs. H. A. Black; aunt of Miss Mary Frances Black, Sidney McFerrin Ford all of Nashville.

Complete arrangements will be announced later by Cosmopolitan Funeral Home. YUSK -Tuesday April 7, 1964 at 6:40 P.M. at a local hospital, Dr. Robert Stanley Yusk, age 26 years. survived by wife, Mrs.

Linda Yusk, Lewis Apartment, Pierce Nashville, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Yusk, Dickson, 1 brother, Dr. Jack Yusk, Memphis, grandmother, Mrs.

K. Yusk, Yonkers, N. Y. The remains are at the Dickson Funeral Home, funeral services will be held P.M. Thursday, April 9, 1964 from the First Methodist Church, Dickson, conducted by Rev.

Joe Dotson and Rev. W. H. Moss, Pallbearers, Active Dr. John Sutton, Dr.

William Downey, Dr. Willard Enich, Dr. Stewart Fleming, Dr. J. W.

Laing, Dr. Robert Lawrence, Dr. Joe Pinkerton, Dr. Charles Satchatello. Honorary: Arthur Adco*ck, Dr.

Ben Adkins, Dr. Robert Gustafson, Dr. Ray Hester, Dr. James. Johnson, Dr.

Glen Koeing, Dr. William Meachem, Dr. William Powers, Dr. David Rogers, Dr. Steven Scherping, Dr.

William Scott, Dr. Sam Stephenson, Dr. John Wimberly, Dr. Stanley Holt, Rickey Byrn, John Stevens. Interment: Dickson County Memorial Gardens.

Arrangements by Dickson Funeral Home, Dickson, Tenn. Out of Town Dickson, Tenn. April 7, 1964, at 7:10 p.m. in a local hospital, Mr. John Hensley Donegan, age 76 years.

Survived by wite, Mrs. Maggie Donegan, Route 2, Dickson, six daughters, Mrs. Ethel Wright, Nashville, Mrs. Myrtie Bissinger, Nashville, Mrs. Martha Parchment, Dickson, Sarah, Fannie, Mae, and Sheila Donegan, all of Route 2, Dickson, two sons, Boyd Donegan, Dickson, George Donegan, Nashville, three step-daughters, Mrs.

Myrtle Crow, Dickson, Mrs. Suzanne Spicer, Nashville, Miss Wanda Kay Canada, Dickson, three stepsons, Tolbert, Rodger and Robert Lee Canada, all of Dickson, two sisters, Mrs. Effie Fuqua, Dickson, Mrs. Bessie Adco*ck, Nashville, 10 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren: several nieces and nephews. The remains are at the Dickson FUneral Home, where funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 9, conducted by Elder Milton Lillard, and Rev. Jack Luther. Interment in Donegan Cemetery. Arrangements by the Dickson Funeral Home, Dickson, Tenn. Hendersonville, Tenn.

LAUDERDALE Monday, morning, April 6, 1964, at a local hospital, Mr. Berry Lauderdale of Hendersonville, Tenn. Survived by 1 great nephew, Rev. A. G.

Jones, nieces; 6 nephews; 1 great niece; and sister-in-law. Remains rest at Howse Funeral Home, where visitation may be with the family Wednesday April 8, from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. Funeral services Thursday April 9, at Rockland Baptist Church, 1 p.m. Reverends Frank Harris Allen, and H.

E. Taylor will officiate. Interment Rockland Cemetery. Howse, FUneral Home in charge, Phone 452-4492 Gallatin, Tenn. Smyrna, Tenn.

MILLER Tuesday morning, April 8, 1964, at her home, 115. Morton Miss Grace Miller. Survived by mother, Mrs. Mollie Garrett Miller; one niece, Mrs. H.

E. Cantrell of Waverly, one aunt, Mrs. Daniel Towns of Gladeville, Tenn. Remains are at Walter King Hoover Funeral Home, where funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, April 9, 1964, at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by Dr. Herbert C.

Gabhart assisted by Brother Leo Snow. Pallbearers: Honorary Anderson Smith of Nashville, Irvin Swain, Jim Batey, Jim Waldron, Ira McDonald, Frank Ridley, Allen Gooch, Travis Garrett, Johnny Adkisson, Robert Heath, Harry Arnold, Dr. David Dodd, Eddie Arnold, Leonard Jones, Donald Matthews, Neighbors and Members of the Smyrna Baptist Church. Active Aubrey and Earl Towns, B. A.

Broiles. James Gwyn, Norman Barnett, David Melton, Frank Lozar, and Ernest Fergus. Interment Mapleview Cemetery. Walter King Hoover Funeral Home, Smyrna. Portland, Tenn.

RIGGSBEE Wednesday afternoon, April 8, 1964, at the home of Mrs. W. A. Meadows, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Riggsbee, age 86.

Sur. vived by one brother, William Henry (Bill) Caruthers, of Nashville; several nieces an nephews. The remains are at Wilkinson man Funeral Home, Portland, where funeral services will be held Thursday at 3:00 p.m. conducted by Rev. Robert Parks.

Burial in Maple Hill Cemetery. Barber Funeral Home, Orlinda, Tenn in charge of arrangements. Franklin, Tenn. SULLIVAN Tuesday afternoon, April 7, 1964, Mrs. Hattie U.

Sulwife of the late Lon D. Sullivan, age 75 years. Survived by daughters, Mrs. L. D.

McCord, Mrs. Earnest Daugherty, both of Detroit, Mrs. R. E. Fox of Nashville, Mrs.

William Caldwell and Mrs. Percy Sparkman both of Franklin, Mrs. Marion Akin of Thompson Station, Mrs. W. D.

Jones of Kingsport, and Miss Delores Sullivan, Miss Wilma Sullivan both Franklin; sons, Leroy Sullivan of Franklin Elmer H. (Bobby), Sullivan of Thompson Station, Mst. Sgt. Guy Sullivan, USA, Tiawan, Formosa: brother, V. I.

Barnhill of Thompson Station; 21 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren. Remains are at the Franklin Memorial Chapel, where services will be conducted Thursday afternoon at 1:30 by Elder Herbert A. Robinson, David Tyree and Elder Myron Keith. Pallbearers, Honorary Gilbert Sullivan, Ellis Martin. Ed Young, Earnest Pennington, Glenn Sparkman, Glenn Overbey, Park Huff, Leon Evans, Wash Fisher, Dr.

William F. Encke, S. E. Farnsworth. Col.

Fulton Beasley, Curtis, Ivo and Alton Barnhill, Active; Dar. ris, Frank and Kenneth McCord. Don Daugherty, L. C. Sparkman and Buddy Johnson.

Interment Mt. Hope Cemetery, Franklin Memorial Chapel, directors. New York Cotton closed NEW 15 YORK (AP) Cotton futures cents a bale higher to $1.80 lower than the previous close. Net Open High Close Chg. Dec.

29.95 29.95 29.65 Oct. 29.85 29.90 BESEEE 29.62B -34 May 33.88 33.88 33.88 July 31.65 31.70 31.40B -30 March 29.95 29.95 29.70B -29 -25 May 30.15 30.15 29.75B -31 July 29.90 29.95 29.75 29.45B -36 Middling spot 35.45N unchanged. Nominal; B-Bid. Spot Cotton price NEW ORLEANS (AP)-The of one inch spot cotton at 15 average designated spot markets yesterday was unchanged at 33.42 cents a pound; previOUs day 33.42; week ago 33.42; ago 33.36; year ago 34.12; average for month the past 30 market days 33.37; middling inch average 31.67; sales 10,711. Chicago Grain CHICAGO (AP)- Open High WHEAT May 2.03½ .205 Jul 1.55¼ 1.56½ Sep 1.56½ 1.58¼ Dec 1.61¾ 1.63% Mar CORN May 1.223 1.23 Jul 1.24½ Sep 1.23⅜ 1.23½ Dec 1.20 1.20 Mar 1.231 1.23⅛ OATS May Jul Sep Dec Mar RYE May 1.33 1.34¾ Jul 1.33¼ 1.34¾ Sep 1.32½ 1.35 Dec 1.35% 1.37⅝ Mar 1.37⅜ 1.39⅝ SOYBEANS May 2.56¼ 2.57½ Jul 2.54 2.54⅝ Aug 2.50¼ 2.50¾ Sep 2.44¾ 2.45⅛ Nov 2.43⅝ 2.43⅞ Jan 2.46⅞ 2.47¼ Mar.

2.501 2.50¼ SOYBEAN OIL May 7,61 7.63 Jul 7.82 7.83 Aug 7.86 7,86 Sep 7.90 7 90 Oct 8.01 8.03 SOYBEAN MEAL May 66.55 66.90 Jul 66.45 66.80 Aug 66.00 66.40 Sep 63.60 63.60 Oct 63.00 63.05 SORGHUMS May Jul Sep Newspaper Printing Corporation AGENT THE NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN Morning-Sunday NASHVILLE BANNER Evening Previous Low Close Close 2.021 2.03¾ 2.02⅞ 1.55 1.56% 1.55¼ 1.56½ 1.57¼ 1.56¾ 1.61% 1.62½ 1.61¾ 61.22¼ 1.22⅞ 1.22⅝ 1.23¾ 1.24¼ 1.24 1.22⅞ 1.23⅜ 1.23 1.193 1.20 1.19⅝ 1.23⅛ 1.23¼ 1.23 68 703 1.33 1.33½ 1.32¾ 1.32¼ 1.33¾ 1.32½ 1.34 1.32½ 1.35½ 1.36¾ 1.35½ 1.373 1.38½ 1.36⅞ 2.56⅛ 2.57 2.561 2.54½/ 2.533 2.49⅞ 2.501 2.50 2.44 2.44 2.42¾ 2.43¼ 2.43% 2.46 2.46¾ 2.47 2.49 2.49½ 2.50 7,58 7.59 7.61 67.79 7.80 7.81 7.85 7.86 7.86 7,87 7,87 7.87 8.00 8.00 8.01 66.40 66.75 66.50 66.35 66.75 66.30 66.00 66.30 66.00 63.60 63.80 63.75 62.65 62.80 62.80 2.29 2.29 INFORMATION AND TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Rates below Apply to All Classified Advertising originating within a 100-mile radius of the city of Daily classified ads are published first in THE NASHVILLE TENNESSEAM and will be published again on the day in THE NASHVILLE BANNER. 7 Days 36c Line 4 Days 41c Line 1 Day Sunday 65c Line 1 Day Dally 65c Line Publication in the Sunday VILLE TENNESSEAN is counted as one day. Daily Rates Quoted include insertion in both THE NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN, Morning, and THE NASHVILLE BANNER, Evening. Minimum Charge, 2 Lines Count Five Average (5-letter) Words 10 the Line The above rates apply to utive insertions only. Rights reserved to classify and index classified ads according to rules governing classified pages.

The Banner and The Tennessean also reserve the right to revise or reject at option any adverfising which is deemed obiectonable either in subiect matter or phraseology. Box Number address requires words. Notice of typographical errors trust be given in time for tion before the second insertion. Office Hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-B Legal Notices BIDS The Division of Purchases of the Metropolitan Davidson Government will of Nashsealed bids at their office, 308 Court ville County receive House, until 10 A.M.

following on the date: following items, on the April 15, 1964 Traffic supplies. As per specifications on file. The right hereby reserved 10 relect any all bids. Purchasing Agent METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT O1 DAVIDSON COUNTY.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.