The Daily Law Journal-Record from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

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riday Morning December 12 1952 THE DAILY LAW JOURNAIRECORD Page Seven HU sald reda Ameringer Business Mgr Seal) By 12 27 52 12 20 52 12 23 52 12 24 52 12 27 52 12 26 52 (Seal) 12 9 52 12 23 52 12 5 52 (Seal) 1 2 53 (Seal) 12 24 62 21th day of November (Seal) 11 25 52 vs said 12 30 52 OR County Kate (Seal) Ton Ton November MYERS sal) 12 9 52 12 20 52 this 8th day of December 12 24 52 12 2 52 a 404 Broadway Phone 54915 8 (Seal) will (Seal) 12 9 52 12 26 52 12 24 52 NOTICE ACCOUNT TION AND NOTICE ACCOL5T TION AND nl) A Rowan 'Horneys 12 9 62 Entered as second class mail matter at the post office at Okla homa City Oklahoma on Decem ber 5 1925 under the Act of Con gress March 3 1879 The Dally taw Journal Record official county and city paper The only paper In Oklahoma county carrying com plete real estate and mineral trans fers dally BLTNN County Judge lynn Green Anderson BUNN County Judge Attorney (Seal) I) Hoyt Attorney 12 5 52 1952 BLTNN County Judge CLI MYERS Court Clerk By Dan Gray Deputy 12 17 52 sound banking institutions good bread and bakery Items Its stocks of stylish clothing fine furniture and fixtures Telephone Editorial 5 7100 Courthouse 5 3100 LLOYD KTLLIN Administrator John Lawrence Attorney 12 10 52 12 26 52 (Seal) Carl Box Tulsa 12 9 52 Invites Yon to Visit Their New Location at Wanshlntion By Leo Thompson Jr rialntlfPs Attorneys LM 52 (Seal) llainev Attorneys 12 9 52 Subscription: Annual Subscription (Seal) Caldwell Warren Crildwell Attorneys 12 6 52 88 in the District Court within for said County and State Essie Merriel Moore Plaintiff vs ford Douglas Moore Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will (59067) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the oi on up APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES uai (59075) NOTICE HEARING INAL AC (JUUAT AND PETiTtON DISTRIBUTION Probate No 31378 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma bs In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of WILL IhireiiRiHl Roy Houghton Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Kate Wild deceased having filed In this court his final account of his administration as such Executor with his petition for distribution of said estate hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said court for the2911: day of December 1952 at 10 o'clock ain of said day at the Court Room of said County Court in the County Courthouse in Oklahoma City Oklahoma and all persons Interested tn said estate are hereby notified to then and there ap pear and show cause if any they have why said account should not be allowed and approved and said estate dis trihuted Dated 1952 (58887) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 129020 In the District Court in and for Okla homa County State of Oklahoma Roy 1) Hughes Nellie Hughes and Phelan Trust Company a Common Law Trust Plaintiffs vs Cora Talcott et al Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: Cora Talcott Carl Talcott Talcott one and the same per son as rancis Talcott Kirk Wall and Hattie Wall husband and wife David Lesser and Sophia Lesser husband and wife Robert Theis and Mrs Robert Theis whose more true and correct name is unknown and if they or some or any of them be deceased then the heirs executors adminis trators devisees trustees succes sors and assigns immediate and re mote of such of them If any as are deceased GREETING: Said defendants are hereby notified that they have been sued in Case No 129020 in the District Court of Okla homa Courity Oklahoma entitled Roy Hvrhes Nellie Hughes and Phelan Trust Company a Common Law Trust plaintiffs vs Cora Talcott et al defendants and that they must answer the petition therein on or be fore the 6th day of January 1953 or the allegation! of said pe tition will be taken as true and judg ment will be rendered in favor of plaintiffs and against said defendants quieting title in plaintiffs and con firming plaintiffs possession of the fol lowing real property in Oklahoma County Oklahoma to All of Lots Twenty six (26) and Twentv seven (27) in Block Seven (7) IVANHOE ADDITION to Oklahoma City Oklahoma accord ing to the recorded plat thereof and All of Lots Twenty eight (28) and Twenty nine (29) and Thirty (301 in Block Seven (7) IVAN HOE ADDITION to Oklahoma City Oklahoma according to the recorded plat thereof and barring and enjoining said defend ants from asserting any right title or interest in or to the real property above described Witness my hand and seal of this court tins 1952 PRESS CLIPPING SERVICE all persons Haskell Ir 4th day of Irwin pro duced and filed in the County Court of the County of Oklahoma and State of Oklahoma an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testa ment of Haskell Irwin deceased and also filed in said Court her petition praving for the probate of said will and the Letters Testamentary Issue thereon to Norene Irwin the execu trix named in said will Pursuant to an order of said Court made on the 4th day of December 1952 notice is hereby given that Tuesday the 16th day of December 1952 at the hour of 9 A of said day has been appointed as the time for hearing said petition and proving said will at the County Court Room in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in said County of Oklahoma 'when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same TN TESTIMONY WHEREO I have set my hand ana seal Court this 4th day of Caldwell Attorneys for Plaintiff 11 29 52 12 23 52 (59131) NOTICE SALE (59052) HEARING 1INAL AND OR DISTRIBU DISCHARGE Nn Itl IAfl State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Mattdr of the Estate of Carlton Guy Cox Deceased Notice is hereby given that Ida May Cox administratrix of the estate of Carlton Guy Cox deceased having filed in this Court her final account of the administration of said estate and her motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said administratrix the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Monday the 29tli day of December 1952 at 9:00 A at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons Inter ested hi said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said ac count should not be settled and al lowed rind said estate distributed and the administratrix discharged Dated December 4 1952 BLINN county juage Every precaution is taken by The Daily Law Journal Record in compiling and printing all records of the courts register of deeds office and oil and gas instruments but we assume no liability for errors or omissions Under no circ*mstances will any judgment decree or other matter of record oe withheld from publication by this paper (58923) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 75806 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ana The Daily Law Journal Record Published Dally Except Sundays and Mondays by the Law Journal Publishing Co at 17 NW 3rd St Oklahoma City Oklahoma JOE PITTS LUUIIIV LIC1A By Nolen Deputy 12 19 52 (58919) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR DISTBIBU TION AND DISCHARGE No 3159G State of Oklahoma Oklahoma 'County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of Herring Defeased Notice is hereby given that Walter Herring administrator of the es tate of II 11 erring deceased hav ing filed in this Court his final ac count of the administration of said estate and his motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said administrator the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge nf said Court for Wednesday the 17th day of December 1952 ftt 9:00 A at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons in terested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and al lowed and said estate distributed and the administrator discharged Dated November 26th 1952 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Erman Price Attorney 11 28 52 12 13 52 LET US READ THE OKLA ROMA NEWSPAPERS OR YOU BARBER Mgr (53063) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION OR DETERMINATION HEIRS AND OR INAL DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE No 30953 In the County Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma In the Matter of the Estate of Mattie McLennan Meissner Deceased Notice is hereby given that Angus A McLennan and Bess McLennan Hughes co administrators of the estate of Mattie McLennan Meissner deceased having filed In this court their final account of the administration of said estate and their petition for determi nation of the heirs of said deceased and for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said co admin istrators the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Monday the Sth day of January 1953 at 10:90 A at the court room of said court In the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested In said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and the heirs of said deceased be determined and said estate distributed and the co administrators discharged DATED this 8th day of December 1952 (58929) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 129453 In the District Court in and for Okla homa County State of Oklahoma Garrett Plaintiff vs Lewis 8 Stemple et al Defendants STATE OKLAHOMA TO Lewis Stemple Wilbert Gorby also known as Gorby and A Gorby also known as Alvin Gor by if they be living but if they or any of them be dead then their un known heirs executors administra tors devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote and the un known heirs executors admlnistra tors devisees trustees and assigns of Daisy Gorbv deceased defend ants GREETING: Said defendants are hereby noti fied that they have been sued in Case No 129453 in the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma entitled Garrett vs Lewis Stemple et al and that they must answer the petition therein on or before the 10th day of January 1953 or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and judgment will he rendered in favor of the plaintiff against said defendants quieting title in plaintiff and confirm ing possession of the follow ing real property in Oklahoma County Oklahoma to wit: Lots Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) in Block Sixty seven (67) In INDUSTRIAL ADDITION to Ok lahoma City Oklahoma as shown by the recorded plat thereof barring and enjoining said defendants from asserting any right title or In terest In or to the real property above ue rmeu Court on 1952 (59066) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County Oklahoma will on the 19th day of December 1952 up until the hour of eleven o'clock A on said day in its pffice in the Court House in Oklahoma City Oklahoma receive sealed bids for OKLAHOMA COUNTY ROAD PROJECT of 1952 on the following: 0222 Stabilized Aggregate Base Course widening and asphaltic' concrete surfacing Eastern Ave nue from Southeast 29th Street North to Southeast 25th Street A Certified or check in the amount of five per cent (5) of the total price bid shall be submitted with the proposal as a guarantee that the bidder if successful will enter into contract and make bond in accord ance with the requirements of the spe cifications (State Highway Standard Specifications 1937 Edition with spe cial reference to No 1034 and 1035) The check to be made payable to the order of the County Treasurer of Ok lahoma County This work to be done in strict ac cordance with Oklahoma State High way Standard Speci fications for Highway Construction 1937 Edition Special provisions cover ing items of construction not covered by the Standard Specifications will ac company the proposal for the work In case of any discrepancy between the Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions the Special Provisions in corporated in the proposal will govern Bidders must familiarize themselves with the conditions and must bld with the understanding that full coopera tion in carrying out the requirements of the Specifications and Special Pro visions will be expected Proposals must be prepared as di rected by the State Standard Specifi cations Plans orms of Proposal Contracts and Specifications may be examined in the office of the County Clerk where approved copies are on file or in the office of the Consulting Engineer APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES Stabilized Aggregate Base Course 352 Tons Prime Material 418 Gal Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course 885 Ton Rapid Curing Cut Back Asphalt RC 1 865 Gal The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids to waive any and all irregu larities and formalities and award as the Interest may seem to It to be best served JUi I in County Clerk By Nolen Deputy 12 19 52 (59036) NOTICE HEARING PETITION OR PROBATE WILL x0 32330 Notice is hereby given to interested in the estate of win deceased that on the December 1952 Norene Board of County Commissioners Oklahoma County Oklahoma will the 19th day of December 1952 until the hnnr of eleven A on said day in its office in the Court House in Oklahoma City Oklahoma receive sealed bids for OKLAHOMA COUNTY ROAD PROJECT of 1952 on the following: i 0499 miles Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing andor Portland Cement Concrete Paving Southeast 25th Street from Prospect Avenue East to Eastern Avenue A certified or Cashier's check in the amount of five per cent (5) of the total price bid shall' be submitted with the proposal as a guarantee that the bidder if successful will enter into contract and make bofid in accordance with the requirements ot the speci fications (State Highway Standard Specifications 1937 Edition with special reference to No 10a4 and 1035) The check to be made payable to the or der of the County Treasurer of Okla homa County This work to be done strict ac cordance with Oaianoma State High way Commissions standard Specifi cations tor Hignwav construction 1937 Edition Special provisions covering items of construction not covered by the Standard Specifications will ac company the proposal for the work In case of any discrepancy between the Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions the Special Pro visions incorporated in the proposal will govern Bidders must familiarize themselves with the conditions and must bid with the understanding that full coopera tion in carrying out the requirements of the Specifications and Special Pro visions will be expected Proposals must be prepared as di rected by the State Standard Speci fications Plans orms of Proposal Contracts and Specifications inay be examined in the office of the County Clerk where approved copies are on file or in the office of the Consulting Engineer APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course 992 Ton Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course 788 Ton 2 Prime Material 2483 Gal Andor 1 Portland Cement Concrete Paving 5975 SY The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids to waive any and all irregu larities and formalities and award as the interest may seem to it to ne oesi serveu (58945) NOTICE BY rUHLlCATION No 73li8 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and tor said County and State Ada Leo Work Plaintiff rs Lewis Stephen Work Jlefehdant The State of Oklahoma 'to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said Defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause tor a divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and for property settlement and you must answer petition tiled herein on or before the 13th day of Jnniiary 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and Judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according tltlon (59014) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR DISTRIBU TION AND DISCHARGE 1 No 298 17 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Mattor of the Estate of Guest Deceased Notice Is hereby given that Edward auss administrator of the estate nf 1) Guest deceased having filed In this Court his final account of the administration of said estate and his motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said admin istrator the lieartlig of the same has been fixed bv the Judge ot said Court for Wednesday the 24th day nf De cember 1952 nt 9:09 A at the Court Room of said Court In the County Court House at Oklahoma CI9v In the County and State afore said and all persons Interested In said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause It any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed "and the administrator dis charged Dated December 4 1952 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Priest ft Belisle Attorneys 12 5 52 12 20 52 1 (59915) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice Is hereby given that the State oard of Public Affairs on December II152 lit 2:00 31 will receive Sds on contract for printing and ending volumes 207 and 208 ot the fclahoma Reports (which contain the 4cislons of the Supreme Court) pur ant to 75 OSSupp Sec 352 Con tact will be for a terfn ot one year lorn December 18 1952 and until itherwise agreed by the Supreme Court the contracting printer The style the Reports will conform to volume S5 The contract will follow form and Lecificatlons ot former contract No '31 in the tiles ot the Board ot Public Of each volume printed and Jund 300 copies will he required for le State (Maximum price for accept Ule bids is set atJ825 per copy tor 4e State and residents thereof $900 fr non residents) Contracting printer 'ill be required to keep on hand a fflclent number ot books to supply le residents of the State at the sameice charged the State Books will be inroved by the State Reporter andlivered to the State Law Library STATE BOARD i PUBLIC Ab AIRS OLMSTEAD unairman 12112 52 Western Union Building Second loor tn the business of construction and Im provement of real property In the City of Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma under the firm name 1 of Beal Estate Improvement Company that said partnership li a general partnership dating from July 15 1952 that all of said partners reside In Ok lahoma City Oklahoma and that there are no other partners belonging to said partnership Dated this 15th dav of July 1952 SHE PEAK I) BOBBY BAKER 12 30 52 (59001) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 75 614 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County km In the District Court within and for said County and State Thomas Johns Plnliitlff vs Sally lay Johns Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said Defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and you must answer petition filed herein on or before the 15th day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you ftccorqini petition (58987) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 129540 In the District Court within ana for Oklahoma County Oklahoma William Jackson and Gertrude Jaek son Plaintiffs vs Edward McCon nel if living or If dead his un known heirs executors administra tors devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote and James McConnel if living or if dead his unknown heirs executors adminis trators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote and the un known heirs executors administra tors devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of Eliza McConnel deceased and the un known heirs executors assigns Im mediate and remote of Me Cnnnel deceased Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: i Edward McConnell if living or 6 if dead hia unknown heirs execu tors administrators devisees trus tees and assigns immediate and re mote and James McConnel if living or if dead his unknown heirs executors administrators dev isees trustees and assigns immedi ate and remote and the unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of Eliza McConnel deceased and the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of McConnel deceased GREETING: Take notice that you have been sued in the above entitled Court and cause by the Plaintiffs therein in an action to quiet title to the following described real estate situated in Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma to wit: The North eighty six feet (N 86') of Lots Thirteen (13) ourteen (14) ifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) and all of Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) in Block Thirty (30) of Second Addition to Britton Oklahoma according to the re corded plat thereof and you must answer the Petition of the Plaintiffs filed in said cause on or before January 14 1953 or said Petition will be taken as true and a judgment rendered accordingly quiet ing title to said real estate and for ever barring you from asserting any right title or interest therein CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Bryan Mitchell Deputy noiizenaoni Attorney for Plaintiffs 12 3 52 (59109) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 82188 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said County and State: To the Creditors of Bill KHlin also known as Willie Killings deceased: All persons having claims against Bill Klllin also known as Willie Kil lings deceased are required to pre sent the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned adminis trator at 1714 Northeast 6th Street Oklahoma City in Oklahoma County Oklahoma within four months of the date hereof or same will be forever barred Dated this 9th day of December CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Giles Ratcliffe Deputy nunc jonnson ore Plaintiff's Attorneys IZ DZ (58944) CERTIICATE PARTNERSHIP KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Sheppard and Bobby Baker are associated as partners ig to prayer of Plaintiff's CLI MYERS Court Clerk Bryan Mitchell Deputy Thompson (59031) ORDER OR DEARING PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE No 29537 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma Coun ty ss In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza beth A Swisher Deceased It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from the verified petition of lorence Lane Administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth A Swisher deceased on file herein that it is neces sary tn sell the real estate belonging to said estate and described in said petition for the reasons and purposes in said petition set out Therefore it is ordered by the Court That all persona interested in the estate of said Elizabeth A Swisher deceased appear before the County Court of the County of Oklahoma State of Okla homa in the Court Room thereof in said County and State on the 5th day of January 1953 at 9 A of said day then and there to show cause if any they have why an order as prayed for in said petition should not be granted to the said Administratrix to sell said real estate of said deceased at either pub lic or private sale for the reasons and purposes mentioned in said petition as she shall judge to be for the best in terest of said estate and of all parties interested therein It is the further order of the Court: That copies of the order be posted in three public places in the County one of which shall be at the court house where the hearing la to be held: that a copy of this order be served per sonally on all persons interested in the estate any general guardian of a mi nor so interested and any legatee dev isee or heir of the deceased who are residents of the County at least ten days before the time set for said hear ing that copies of said order be mailed to all persons interested hi said estate who are not residents of said County with postage thereon pre paid and that if the post office address of any such person interested in said estate is unknown a copy of this order to show cause shall be published for two suc cessive weeks in some newspaper pub lished in this County the first publi cation of which notice shall not be less than 15 days' before the time fixed for said hearing Dated this 4th day of December 1952 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Earl James Attorney 12 5 52 12 20 52 my banf and the seal of this the 28th day of November CLI MYERS Court Clerk By Arta Simpson Deputy Warren Caldwell (68938) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 129359 State of Oklahoma County of Okla homa In the District Court Dan Laaver one and the same person as LaEaver and A La Eaver Plaintiff vs Lunbeek one and the same person as Lorn beck et aL Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: Lunbeck one and the same person as Lum beck and Ef fie Lunbeck one and the same person as Effie Lumbeck his i wife If both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devl sees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Henry Scales and if married Scales ids wife if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons William Harper one and the same person as Wm Harper if living and if dead then his unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immedi ate and remote the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns Immediate ana remote of Anna Khulman de ceased Edward Gallagher and if married Gallagher his wife if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immedi ate and remote of such deceased person or persons Umphfey Galla gher and if married Gallagher his wife if both are living and If either both are dead then the un known heirs executors administra tors devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such de ceased person or persons Michael Gallagher and if married Gallagher his wife if both are liv ing and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Ellen Davis one and the same per son as Ellen Irene Davis and if married John Doe her husband if both areliving and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased per son or persons Mary O'Donnell and her husband if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Maggie McCready and if married John Doe her husband if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Michael Melley and if mar ried Melley his wife if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs execu tors administrators devisees trus tees and assigns immediate and re mote of such unknown person or persons Mrs Philip Melley whose personal or Christian name Is un known and Philip Melley her hus band if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immedi ate and remote of such deceased person or persons Blanche Sawyer and if married John Doe her hus band if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs administrators devisees trus tees and assigns Immediate and re mote of such deceased person or persons ern Erickson and if mar ried John Doe her husband if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs execu tors administrators devisees trus tees and assigns immediate and re mote such deceased person or persons Zula Davis and if married John Doe her husband if both are living and if either or both are de then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Clifford Bradford one and the same person as Cliff Bradford and If married Bradford his wife if both are living and either or both Bre dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immedi ate and remote of such deceased person or persons oster Bradford and if married Bradford his wife if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immedi ate and remote of such deceased person or persons Lena Perrine and if married John Doe her husband If both are Jiving and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Halvor Steanson and Joh anna Steanson his wife if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators dpvispps irwateps and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Craig and Craig his wife if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns Immedi ate and remote of such deceased person or persons Richard Herrick and Jessica Herrick his wife if both are living and If either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Hamilton and Ella Hamilton his wife if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of such deceased person or persons Mrs A Marks and her husband A Marks or John Doe if both are living and if either or both are dead then the unknown heirs execu tors administrators devisees trus tees and assigns immediate and re mote of such deceased person or persons all UNKNOWN OWNERS andor CLAIMANTS and their re spective spouses if any GREET ING: You and each of you are hereby no tified that Dan Laaver one and the same person as Laaver and A Laaver as plaintiffs have filed in the District Court of The State of Oklahoma in and for Oklahoma Coun ty therein a suit No 129359 of the files and records of said Court en title Dan Laaver one and the same person as Laaver and A Laaver vs Lunbeck one and the same person as Lum beck et al and that you and each of you must answer the petition therein on or before the 13th day of January 1953 or the allegations of said peti tion will he taken as true against each and all of you who fail to answer It and judgment will be taken against said persons failing to answer said petition quieting title in the said plain tiffs and confirming posses sion of the following described real property located in Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma to wit: TjOts Nine (9) and Ten (10) In SWASTIKA ADDITION tc Okla homa City Oklahoma as shown by the recorded plat thereof being a subdivision of Block Eight (8) of Plainview irst Addition to Okla homa City Oklahoma and Lota Twenty two (22) and Twen ty three (23) In Block Two (2) Thomas Subdivision of Block Twelve (12) Jewel Heights Addi tion to Oklahoma City Oklahoma as shown by the recorded plat thereof barring and enjoining you end each of you and all persons claiming by through or under you and each of you forever from asserting any right title Interest or equity In or to the above described real property nr any part portion or fraction thereof Given under mv hand this 29th day of November 1952 CLI MYERS (Seal) Court ieri Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma By Reglan Deputy 12 2 52 12 24 52 (58920) NOTICE HEARING INAL AC COUNT AND PETITION OR DE TERMINATION OE HEIRS OR DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE No 81591 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court in and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of Savannah Lane Deceased NOTICE ia hereby given that Thomas Woodson Administrator of the Estate of Savannah Lane Deceased has filed in this Court his final ac count of the administration of said Estate and his petition for determi nation of heirs for distribution of said Estate and for final discharge of said administrator and the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Thursday the 18th day of December 1952 at 9:00 A at the Court Room of said Court In the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons inte ested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said ac count should not be settled and al lowed the heirs of said Savannah Lane Deceased determined said es tate distributed and the administra tor discharged Dated this 26th day of November 1952 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Howell Smith Attorneys 11 28 52 12 13 62 You the said defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of desertion and aban donment for more than one year next preceding filing of petition herein and non support and for custody and sup port of minor children and restoration of former name and you must answer petition filed herein on or before the 9th day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will bo ren dered against you according to prayer ot Plaintiff's petition CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Giles Ratcliffe Deputy Clift riaintm Attorney XX ZO OJ (59029) jr NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 75872 In the District Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma Clara Swearengln Plaintiff Kenneth Swearengln Defendant THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: Kenneth Swearengln TAKE NOTICE that you have been sued in the above named Court by the said plaintiff Clara Swearengin alleging that since the marriage of plaintiff and defendant you have been guilty of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty towards plaintiff and you said defendant must answer the petition filed herein by said plaintiff on or before the 18th day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered for said plaintiff granting to her a decree of divorce attorneys' fee and costs of court and other relief as prayed for in petition filed herein WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 4tH day of December 1952 CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Bryan Mitchell Deputy Mlskovsky and Miskovsky 819 20 Hightower Building Oklahoma City Oklahoma Attorneys for Plaintiff 12 6 52 12 27 52 (58893) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 129486 In the District Court within and for Oklahoma County State of Okla homa Spradling Plaintiff the un known heirs executors admlnlstra 'tors devisees trustees and assigns of Eliza Jane McConnel deceased et nl Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: The unknown heirs executors ad ministrators devisees trustees and assigns of Eliza Jane McConnel de ceased and of Brough de ceased and each thereof Edward McConnel James McConnel Johnson and Georgia Anna Greenhoward each if living or if dead the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns of each thereof GREET INGS Take notice that you and' each of you have been sued in the above en titled and numbered cause in the Dis trict Court of Oklahoma County Ok lahoma by the plaintiff above named in an action to quiet title to the follow ing described real property located In Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma to wit: All of Lots 1 and 2 ELECTRIC PARK ADDITION to Oklahoma City Oklahoma according to the recorded plat thereof AND that part of the Electric Park lying between Classen Boulevard on the East and the AT Railroad right of way on the West more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the point at which the South line of Butt Avenue as shown on the plat of Electric Park intersects the East line of the AT Railroad right of way for a point or place of beginning thence East along the South line of said Butt Avenue a distance of 215 feet to a point in the West line of Ornamental Avenue thence South along the West line of Orna mental Avenue a distance of 200 feet to a point in the South line of 'Ornamental Avenue thence East along the South line of Orna mental Avenue a distance of 220 feet to a point in the West line of Ornamental Avenue thence South along the West line of Ornamental Avenue a distance of 260 feet to a point In the South line of Orna mental Avenue thence East along the South line of Ornamental Avenue a distance of 200 feet to a 'point in the West line of ClassenBoulevard thence South along the West line of Classen Boulevard a distance of 52858 feet to the Inter section of the West line of Classen Boulevard and the East line of the AT Railroad right of way thence Northwesterly along the East line of the AT Railroad right of wav a distance of 12164 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning all in the SWJ4 of Section 33 Township '13 North Range 3 West of the IM and you must answer the petition of plaintiff filed in said cause on or be fore the 9th day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and correct and a judgment rendered ac cordingly against you and each of you quieting title to said real property in plaintiff and his warrantee and for ever barring you from asserting any right title or interest therein DATED this 25th day of November 1952 I (59069) UtICE HEARING INAL Account and for distribu tion AND DISCHARGE No 81448 kte nf Oklahoma Oklahoma County In the County Court within and said County and State the Matter of the Estate of Seth 'iiitics Deceased is hereby given that Elva Incs executrix of the estate of Seth nes deceased havin'" filed in this trt her final account of the ad ilfltratton of said estate and herion for distribution of said estate I for final discharge of said exe rix the hearing of the same has fixed by the judge of said Court Tuesday the 30th day of Decent 1952 at 1) A at the irt Room of said Court in the mty Court House at Oklahoma Cityho County and State aforesaid and persons Interested In said estate notified theft and there to appear i' show cause if any they have the said account should not be Bled and allowed and said estate dis ftuted and the executrix discharged December (58885) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 75785 In the District Court in and for Okla homa County State of Oklahoma Eugene Conrad Plaintiff vs Lorena Cunrad Defendant The State of Oklahoma to Lorena Conrad: Take notice that vou have been sued in the above named Court by the said plaintiff Eugene Conrad alleging that you were already married to one Boyd at the time of your marriage to plaintiff and that plain tiff is entitled to an annulment of mar riage and you must answer said pe tition on or before the 6tU day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment will be rendered for said plaintiff granting him an annulment of marriage with defendant Lorena Conrad Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 2th day of November 1952 CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Dan Gray Deputy Charles Berry Jr Attorney for Plaintiff 11 25 52 12 17 52 (59054) NOTICE BY PI BLICATIOxN No 75887 Stated of Oklahoma Oklahoma County In the District Court? within and lor said County and State Annie May Klucknlck Plaintiff John Klucknlck Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and for title to automobile and you must answer Plaintiffs petition filed herein on or before the 17tli day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according 'to prayer of peti tion NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR DISTRIBU TION AND DISCHARGE No 81618 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County as In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of Mac Ramos Deceased Notice is hereby given that Max Ramos administrator of the estate of Mac Ramos deceased having filed In this Court his final account of the ad ministration of said estate and his motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said admin istrator the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Monday the 29th day of December 1932 at 9:00 A at the Court Room of said Court in the Coun ty Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons Interested 1n said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administrator dis charged Dated December 8 1952 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Earl James Attorney 12 4 62 12 19 52 (59123) NOTICE HEARING INA ACCOUNT AND OR DISTRIBU TION AND DISCHARGE No 31639 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of Elmer Lee Orum Deceased Notice is hereby given that Bertie Lee Orum administratrix of the estate of Elmer Lee Orum deceased having filed in this Court her final account of the administration of said estate and her motion for distribution of said es tate and for final discharge of said administratrix the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Wednesday the 31st day of December 1952 at 9:00 A at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City' in the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distribu ted and the administratrix discharged Dated December 10 1952 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Martin Attorney 12 11 52 12 26 52 of said County December 1952 BLINN County Judge 12 16 52 Hughes KQl 2 Okla (58939) i NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 75827 fti the District Court in and for Okla Jhoma County State of Oklahoma IL Ashworth Plalntlfi vs Julw SIL Ashworth Defendant 6 1 STATE OKLAHOMA TO 'fJTJLE ASHWORTH: YOU said defendant are hereby no wied that vou have been sued in the fistrict Court of Oklahoma County in ii action wherein Donna Ash Jorth is plaintiff alleging an im tfoper marriage to you on or about lacember 22 1951 and seeking an psolute annulment and sYou the said defendant are required 1 answer said petition on or before te 13th day of January 1953 or al 'fcations of said petition will be taken true and confessed and judgment Indered accordingly as prayed for by Ce plaintiff WITNESS mv hand and seal of of at Oklahoma City Oklahoma this ith day of November 1952 CLI MYERS leal) Court Clerk Bv Giles Ratcliffe Deputy iw Offices a Harold Land 1 1200 Liberty Plan Bldg 1V7 iNortn uroaowayOklahoma City Okla jtphone: CKntral 2 2700 CLI MYERS Court Clark Rv Dnn flrnv TVonnlv Halley Everest Halley Spradling Attorneys for Plaintiff 510 Brantff Bldg Oklahoma City Okla 11 26 52 12 18 52 (59070) 1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS 'Notice is herebv given that the Board County Commissioners of Okla ma' County Oklahoma will on thelh dav of December 1952 up instil I hour nl eleven A onid day in its office in the Court Guse Oklahoma City Oklahoma ejve sealed bids for SERIES HJNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE )NDS of 1952 on the following: 0499 miles of 2' Portland Cement Concrete widening and asphaltic concrete resurfacing of Southeast a5th Street from Prospect Avenue B'SSast to Eastern Avenue Certified or Check theIJiount of five per cent (5) of the Jal price bid shall be submitted with lb proposal as a guarantee that the Jldcr if successful will enter into Sitraot and make bond in accordance Jth the requirements of the specifi ions (State Highway Standard Spe YlcaHons 1937 Edition with special S' lie re nee to No 1034 and 10a) The ck to be made payable to the order 5 the County Treasurer of Oklahoma lunty B'his work to he done in strict ac with Oklahoma State High Commission Standard Specifica for Highway Construction 1937 ion Special provisions coverinf is of construction not covered by Standard Specifications will ac panv the proposal for tne work case of any discrepancy between Standard Specifications and the iial Provisions the Special Pro ms incorporated in the proposal govern id(lers must familiarize themselves Bi the conditions and must bid with understanding that full coopera BtUi in carrying out the requirements Bill the Specifications and Special Pro lBlriions will be expected must be prepared as dl bv the State Standard Specifi Bjins orms of Proposal Con Blots and Specifications may be ex in the office of the where approved copies are or in the office of the Consulting Qgiueer (59092) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 75920 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and for said County and State Grace May Black Plaintiff vb Robert Jewel Black Defendant The Stato of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said Defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named'1 and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of abandonment for one year and gross neglect of duty and for alimony both temporary and perman ent suit money attorney's fees and costs and you must answer petition filed herein on or before the 21st day of January 1958 or said pe tition will be taken as true and judg ment for said Plaintiff will be ren dered against you according to prayer of petition CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk Dan Gray Deputy xiarry i nuason jr Plaintiff's Attorney AZ lU uZ 11530 the month J153 (Deliverd by carrier in business district) the month (where 1c postage required) $179 Annual Subscription $1830 (68926) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION jf I In the District Court in and for Okla homa County and State of Oklahoma A Gentry Plaintiff vs Steve Anderson Winkler Annetta Johnson George Cones: Mabie Walker Citizens National Bank of Wooster Ohio or If dissolved then Its unknown trustees successors or assigns if any and the unknown holders of Special Assessment and Improvement bonds Issued by the City of Oklahoma City by virtue of Ordinance No 4717 reassessing Ordi nance No 3873 and Ordinances 1459 and 1465 all In Street Improvement District No 908 In the City of Okla homa City Oklahoma Earle Simon City Clerk of Oklahoma City Oklahoma City of Oklahoma City Oklahoma a municipal corporation I Patterson and Clemmle Pat terson wife Cossota and Mrs Cossota his wife whose full and true name is unknown Sam Gordon and Lola Gordon his wife Sears and Sarah Sears his wife: Cecil Shnier and Mrs Shnler his wife whose full and true name is unknown: If living and If any of the above persons uo dead then their unknown heirs executors administrators devisees and assigns Immediate and remote and Patterson Trustee or the successors of Patterson Trus tee Defendants THE STATE OE OKLAHOMA TO Steve Anderson Winkler Annetta Johnson: George Cones Mabie Walker Patterson Cossota and Mrs Cossota his wife whose full and true name is unknown Sam Gordon and Lola Gordon his wife Sears and Sarah Sears his wife if liv ing and If any of the above be dead then their unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns Citizens Na tional Bank of Wooster Ohio or If dissolved its unknown successors trustees and assigns Patter son trustee or if dead or discharged hia unknown successors the un known holders of special Assessment and Improvement bonds issued by the City of Oklahoma City by virtue of Ordinance No 4717 reassessing Ordinance 3373 and Ordinances 1459 and 1465 all in Street Improvement District 908 in Oklahoma City Okla homa Greetings: You and each of you are hereby notified that A Gentry as plain tiff has filed his petition and sued you in the above entitled court to quiet the title to the following described real property in Oklahoma County to wit: All of Lots One (1) Two (2) Three (3) our (4) ive (5) and Six (6) in Block ourteen (14) in ECKROAT ADDITION to Okla homa City Oklahoma according to the recorded plat thereof naming each of you as defendants and you must answer petition on or before the 9tb day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment rendered accord ingly quieting title in said reel prop erty in the plaintiff and forever bar ring you asserting any right title vr iiiieicBu uierein Dated this 26th day ot 1952 CTT (Seal) Court Clerk By Giles Ratcliffe Deputy Dll! vr IjOWe Plaintiff's Attorney 11 Z5 DZ (68992) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 82258 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court in and for Oklahoma Cbunty State tof Okla homa In the Matter of the Estate of George Weise deceased To the Creditors of George Weise Deceased All persons having claims against George Weise deceased are re quired to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned administrator with the will annexed at 640 irst National Building Okla homa Citv In Oklahoma County Okla homa within four months of the date hereof or same will he forever barred fc Dated this 2nd day of December TTAROTjD thweatt Administrator with the annexed Embry Johnson Crowe Tnlbort Boxley Attorneys 12 4 52 12 19 68 (59030) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 74132 Jtate of Oklahoma Oklahoma Countyss In the District Court within and 1 for said County and State arllyo 8 Hadlck Plaintiff vs War ren Hadlck Defendant he State of Okahoma to the said De fendant Greeting: i You the said defendant will take jtice that you have been sued in the jove named Court in the above named id numbered cause for a divorce on ie grounds of extreme cruelty and for i 'oss neglect of duty and you must riswer petition filed herein i or before the 17th day of January53 or said petition will be taken as hie and judgment for said Plaintiff ill be rendered against you accord )g to prayer of PlaintHf's petition IT I TPfTl KArT nD X' tfX 1 ro Court Clerk Bv Arta Simpson Deputy uiman ana irvine 516 Hales Building Oklahoma City Okla 7 12 5 52 No 126178 Notice is given that pursuant to a special execution and order of sale is sued by the Clerk of the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma on the 10th day of December 1952 in Case No 126178 Robert A Holt Plaintiff vs Cliff Jones Defendant I will ofler at public sale to the highest bid der for cash at the east front door of the Court House of said County at Oklahoma City Oklahoma on the 23rd day of December 1952 at 2:00 the following personal property One Share of the Capital Stock of Oklahoma City Golf and Coun try Club as evidenced by Certifi cate No 1510 issued to Cliff Jones Said writ was Issued and said sale will be held pursuant to a judgment rendered in said case on October 80 1952 in favor of said plaintiff end against said defendant (whom the Court found to be one and the same person as Cliff Jones) for $1 00000 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per annum from November 5 J948 until paid and fee of $11000 and costs and a decree foreclosing the Men thereon and commanding the aforesaid sale thereof BOB TURNER Sheriff of Oklahoma County Oklahoma By Wells Undersheriff Byrne A Bowman Attorney lor riaintirr iz bz OKLAHOMA CITY IS in courteny of Its salespersons in excellent commercial printing in retail stores anticipating the preferences in intn In (59038) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 75878 In the District Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma Verna Easther Rozelle Plaintiff vs Edward Elliott Rozelle Defendant THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: Edward Elliott Rozelle TAKE NOTICE that you have been sued in the above named Court by the said plaintiff Verna Easther Ro zelle alleging that for several months prior to the commencement of this action you have been guilty of gross neglect of duty towards plaintiff and you said defendant must answer the petition filed herein by said plaintiff on or before the 19th day of January 1953 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered for said plaintiff granting to her a decree of divorce custody of the minor child of the marriage alimony sup port and maintenance of the child attorneys' fee and costs of court and other relief as prayed for in plain tiff's petition filed herein WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 4th day of December 1952 CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Giles Ratcliffe Deputy Miskovsky and Miskovsky 819 20 Hightower Building Oklahoma City Oklahoma Attorneys for Plaintiff 12 6 52 12 30 52 Prime Material 50 Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course 15 Asnhnltlo Concrete Surface Course' 692 Tnnb1 rnrinff Gnt Rack Asphalt RC 1 655 Gal 1 Portland Cement Concrete Paving (widening) 5325 'he Board of County Commissioners erves the right to reject any and blds to waive any and all irregu ities and formalities and award as interest may seem to it to beat served jiiw rirj County Clerk By Nolen Deputy 12 19 52 to prayer of pe CLI MYERS Court Clerk Giles Ratcliffe Deputy Ralph Samara Attorney 12 2 52 12 24 52 (58958) HEARING INAL AND OR D1STRIBU DISCHARGE Nn SlftSS State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and 'for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of Lena Remington Deceased Notice is hereby given that John Mahr administrator of the estate of Lena Remington deceased having filed in this Court his final account of the administration of said estate and his motion for distribution and determi nation of heirs of said estate and for final discharge of said administrator the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Mon day the 22nl day of December 1952 at 9:00 A at the Court Hoorn of said Court In the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause If any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distrib uted and the administrator discharged Dated December 1st 1952 BLINN (Seal) County Judge John Mee Attorney 12 2 52 12 17 52 (58924) CERTIICATE ICTITIOUS PARTNERSHIP No 1534 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ENTS THAT: We fOY HIER and GEORGE SCHOENECKElt of Oklahoma City Oklahoma are associated as partners In the business of manufacturing dis tributing servicing and maintaining various types of equipment and mer chandise in the City of Oklahoma City Oklahoma and contiguous areas and that such firm is being conducted un der the name of and that said partnership is a general partnership dating from the 6th day of March 1952 and that both of said partners reside in Oklahoma City Oklahoma and there are no other partners belonging to said partnership Dated this 12th day of November 1952 ROY HIER GEORGE SCHOENECKER 11 28 52 12 30 52 (59034) 1 NOTICE BY BI1CATION Nu 75875 ate of Oklahoma Oklahoma Coun ty ss In the District Court within and for said County and State rands Lnrene Hazelwood vs Louh Hazelwood Deiendnnt he State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take jtice that you have been sued in the jove named Court in the above named id numbered cause for a divorce on to grounds of non suppnrt and cruelty id you must answer Plaintiff's peti on filed herein on or before the 17th iv of January 1953 or said petition ill be taken as true and judgmentr said Plaintiff will be rendered rainst you according to prayer of petition CLI MYERS 4eal) Court Clerk I Dan Gray Deputy bcnwoerKe Plaintiff's Attorney 12 5 52 4 1.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.