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Emerald/ Sapphire/ Ruby Journal! (read first post for rules)

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Emerald/ Sapphire/ Ruby Journal! (read first post for rules)

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Dragon Tamer

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (2)

Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:57 pm
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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (3)

Well it's been a while since I posted, but it's been exactly 2 weeks or so since I've restarted my Pokemon Emerald. Right now all I can say is it's is going perfect, but im haveing trouble going through over 21 battles in all the frontier areas. I have a very strong team and my movesets are not quite complete yet, but ive been saving battle points and im about to purchase a rock slide tm for my Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (5) . Well there is some flaws i found out, and that's because I don't have my movesets for all and I need some holding items such as....scope lens and leftovers. Well I might as well share my team with yall, and this symbol means I need to get it ***

Lv 50 Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (6) (He is Mild and i've recently changed my methods, like I used to specialize in Spec. Atk(I still do), but now im going to go with my Pokemon strongest stat...and that's atk for Salamence, idk I might make it into a hybrid of Atk and Spec. Atk if I have to, but this moveset gives a good variations of elements.)
Brick Break***
Aerial Ace
Rock Slide***

Lv 50 Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (7) (He is Mild and has got to be one of my most favorites Hybrids in moveset and stats, like my new method I focus on his strongest stats, but I still specialize in Spec. Atk, so I had to ignore it's speed for now. It still has great stat speed, and huge Atk and Spec. Atk the Hybrid)
Rock Slide

Lv 50 Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (8) (He is Modest and what can I say about this guy, he's a very great hybrid indeed. Like I said before I have to have great Spec. Atk stats and the next highest stat build in each of my Pokemon and his Spec. Def is his highest, so both his Spec. Atk and Def stats are very high)
Ice Beam
Hydro Pump

Lv 50 Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (9) (She is Modest and has the exact explanation like Milotic, both Spec. Def and Atk for this girl. (Both Milotic and Altaria are like the perfect partners)
Sunny Day

Lv 50 Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (10) (He is Mild and the odd guy out, he is the only one where I specialize in Spec. Atk and Speed. Oh man when I want to disable someone, i'll get this guy to do the dirty work. Fast speed and spec. atk makes fighting super easy, i love this guy.)
Leaf Blade
Dragon Claw

Well that's my team, they're pretty good, very strategical....very strong...and hopefully I defeat those tricky people in the Battle Frontier.

Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:43 pm
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (12)


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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (14)

Im going to go battle the elite 4 for the 20th time. Right now, im in Slateport City going to energy Guru. Then heal my pokemon in the pokemon center, fly off to Pokemon Elite and begin fighting the elite.
My Emerald Team right now(still training though)

Blazikin LV82
*Quick Claw
-Fire Punch
-Sky Uppercut

Rayquaza LV72
*Amulet Coin

Groudon LV70
-Fire Blast

Typlosion(pokemon event) LV71
-Quick Attck
-Flame wheel

Latios(pokemon event) LV74
-Luster Purge

Salamence LV52(still needs training)
*Focus Band
-Dragon Claw

Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:09 pm Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (17)
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (18)



Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (19)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (20)

Ruby (Player: Mike; Pokedex: 14; Time: 17:41; Badges: 3) -

I was playing through the game regularly when I randomly decided to start Effort Value-training all of my Pokemon. I got to around Mauville City before I started sending my Pokemon out against opponents that would be beneficial to fight when it comes to gaining EVs. I ended up fighting Team Magma and getting all the way to Lavaridge Town before I thought, "Well, wait, my Pokemon's EVs are already all screwed up because I didn't keep any tallies for the first twelve hours of the game." And really, Effort Values are just about the stupidest thing Nintendo has ever done to the Pokemon franchise when it comes to in-game team building. I don't even have Emerald, so the answer isn't even as simple as feeding my Pokemon the berries that negate EVs. So the simple answer was this: if I wanted to create a competitive in-game team, I'd have to start with new Pokemon entirely. By this point, I had already gotten level 25 Kirlia, Hariyama, Swellow, Combusken, Grovyle, and Marshtomp, all probably having a haphazard mess for EV distribution.

I caught myself a Jolly, female, Level 2 Zigzagoon to test out how this whole EV training thing worked. It took me until I had a Linoone with about about 75% of her Speed EVs before I got annoyed with the incredibly monotonous process of EV training, and this was even while using Macho Brace. So, I decided to tell Nintendo to go to hell for putting in-game players through such HELL, and I whipped out the trusty Action Replay that I had bought specifically for Pokemon, back before FRLG had been released, when there were was no way to get about 185 of the old Pokemon. I decided to take a break from getting Speed EVs, mainly because I thought I had gotten the 252 cap already, and started to focus on Attack. I used a wild Pokemon modifier to make wild Blaziken appear on Route 101, and I proceeded to fight about thirty or forty of them until Linoone's Attack EVs reached 252. You see, Blaziken gives out 3 Attack EVs per battle, and Macho Brace doubles that for 6. But the process was still INCREDIBLY tedious, and it took over two hours to EV train Linoone.

Today, I decided to start with the first "replacement" of my old team: Swellow. Swellow's stats make it really easy to EV train: like Linoone, you pretty much want to focus on Attack and Speed. Well, this time I sped up the process of getting a prime battler with some AR help: I entered codes so each wild Pokemon would have 31 DVs across the board, and I entered a code that overrides every wild Pokemon's nature as Jolly. So I caught myself a Level 4, female, Jolly Taillow and started EV training her in a way similar to Linoone. I used wild Pokemon mods to encounter only Crobat (Speed) and Blaziken (Attack); I tried to infect her with PokeRus, which would mean she'd be getting a whopping 12(!) EVs per battle, but I couldn't get that code to work. When I was training Linoone, there was something wrong with the code and Blaziken would only appear about 1/5th of the time, but, for Taillow, Crobat and Blaziken appeared every battle, and this sped up the process incredibly. I hit 252 for both stats after about 90 minutes, and, after beating two Wurmple to get 4 HP EVs, I had a level 19 Taillow. After beating up some irrelevant wild Pokemon to get to level 22, Taillow evolved into a Swellow with much nicer stats than her predecessor.

So, basically, I'll be repeating this process five more times for the other members of my original team. I've worked out how I want to distribute the EVs, and now I just have to get the time and energy to catch and EV train the replacements. All I can say is Nintendo has really screwed up the game with the invention of EVs - making the best battlers is just WAY too hard. And, if you notice, I don't believe in using Action Replay to break Pokemon entirely; I'm just using it to speed up legal, though incredibly time-consuming and tedious, processes.

Party -
Keepers: Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (22) (28), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (23) (22)
To be replaced: Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (24) (25), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (25) (24), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (26) (25), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (27) (25), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (28) (25)

Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:48 pm
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (30)


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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (31)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (32)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (33)

Effort Value Training is too easy for me now... 6 MachoBraces and the PokeRUS Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (35)

Anyway, I have collected Ho-oh from Colosseum and PLACED HIM IN MY BOX FOREVER UNTIL SOMEONE CAN DEFEAT ME HAHAHA!!!...sorry. Moving on, I'm really sick of Heracross and want to switch him with someone else but I can't decide...hmm...maybe Flygon.

Team All Lv.85-{sceptile}{kingdra}{salamence}{tyranitar}{snorlax}

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (36)

Last edited by Crunchy on Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:56 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (38)


Pokemon Ranger

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (39)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (40)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (41)

Cal wrote:

Ruby Version: Currently EV (And level up)training my pokemon and searching for team members, I'm pretty sure I'll go with an Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (43) or a Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (44)


Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (45) LV59 @Soul Dew
Docile Nature

Calm Mind

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (46) LV64 @Soul Dew
Modest Nature

Calm Mind
Dragon Claw

{Kirlia} LV20 @N/A
Modest Nature

Calm Mind
Will - O - Wisp

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (47) LV15 @N/A
Calm Nature (Personally I prefer Special Sponges with them)

Surf / Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Mirror Coat

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (48) LV32 (Or something)
Adamant Nature

Dragon Dance
Aerial Ace
Steel Wing / Brick Break

(^ Note:: This is the set I'm planning for my salam)

I've got to much stuff to do at once, you might call it a busy schedule, lol.

^The above is pretty much what is happening right now, although I'm going to try to evolve Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (49) today and get it's SPEED EVs to 252 or more if I accidently do so.
I'm also going to get a Modest Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (50) with the Synchronize ability once I have finished the above proceedure, although this will take some time...

Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:07 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (52)



Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (53)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (54)

Ruby (Time: 18:56, no other information changed) -

Once again, I can't complain enough about how much I dislike the process of EV training. I spent a good hour or so mapping out how EV distributions will be for my five other replacement Pokemon, (written below,) and then spent even more time typing in Action Replay codes for wild Pokemon mods for certain natures and wild Pokemon. I've inserted AR codes for Wigglytuff (HP), Blaziken (Attack), Golem (Defense), Crobat (Speed), Beautifly (Special Attack) and Dustox (Special Defense) to appear on Route 101 for the sole purpose of EV training; each of these six Pokemon give three EVs for their respective statistics. Unfortunately, I still can't get the PokeRus code to work, so I've just given up with that. Macho Brace and the wild Pokemon modifiers make EV training six times quicker as it is.

I decided to start training my new Makuhita/Hariyama, mainly because her EV spread is the easiest of the remaining five, and, after some AR tinkering and wild encounters, I caught myself a level 2, Adamant, female Makuhita. However, by the time Makuhita had reached level 18, PsyPoke's Stat Calculator told me that her HP and Attack were nowhere close to what they should be for max DVs and EVs with an Adamant nature. Because my record keeping for Makuhita's EVs was sloppy at best, I decided to just release her and start over again. This in particular is why I cannot stand EV training: you have to take great effort to keep track of your progress, otherwise you WILL get lost and possibly screw up your Pokemon's EVs entirely. But, I've grown used to this tiresome process, so no biggie about restarting Makuhita again. Although PCing Kirlia meant it taking longer to find a Makuhita with Guts, I ended up finding a similar Pokemon to serve as the replacement for the replacement. However, my GBA-SP's battery was running low, and I really need to study for a test, so I called it game. Hopefully, next time I post, I'll have Makuhita done and will have made good progress on Ralts.

As it stands, my EV spreads should look like this when I'm finally finished with replacing my team members:
-Gardevoir family (Bold, F, Syncronize, 176 HP/252 Def/80 SD): Calm Mind, Wisp and Lefties will make this girl a huge tank.
-Sceptile family (Timid, M, Overgrow, 6 HP/252 Speed/252 SA): Pretty simple Special sweeper because he does it well.
-Blaziken family (Brave, M, Blaze, 128 HP/252 Attack/128 SA): Mixed sweeper; Blaziken's stats are poorly distributed, IMO.
-Swampert family (Quiet, M, Torrent, 116 HP/168 SA/224 SD): Modified in-game EV spread for Cursepert.
-Hariyama family (Adamant, F, Guts, 252 HP/252 Attack/6 SD): No focusing on Defense since I want to use Counter.

Party -
Keepers: Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (56) F (28), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (57) F (22), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (58) F (2)
Weepers: Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (59) M (25), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (60) M (24), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (61) M (25), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (62) F (25)

Last edited by Frost on Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:58 pm
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (64)


Ace Trainer

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (65)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (66)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (67)

I went through the Battle Factory a few times, coudn't even get to the leader, (I forgot his name) so then I raised my Pickuppers and Persian some, now I'm putting a Gardevoir through the Smart Contests. Just finished Super, and stopped. Gardevoir's moveset: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Future Sight, Calm Mind. Now I feel like using my AR.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:19 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (70)



Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (71)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (72)

Ruby (Player: Mike, Pokedex: 14, Time: 23:07, Badges: 3) -

Progress is slowly being made. I found out that the first replacement Makuhita's stats weren't low due to my shoddy record keeping; it turns out I had either forgotten to enable the max DV code while I was catching a Makuhita through the wild Pokemon mods, or, with the combination of codes I had previously had in my Action Replay, I couldn't have the max DV and wild Pokemon modifiers enabled at the same time. I came to that last realization after I almost finished EV training my third Makuhita overall. However, Makuhita's Attack DVs are probably near max and her HP DVs are a bit, but not horribly, off. Since Attack and HP are the two most important stats of the Makuhita family and weren't killed by the non-max DVs, I wasn't troubled enough to start EV training a THIRD replacement. So after I decided to hang on to her, Makuhita ended up reaching the EV cap at level 20, so I finished my gaming last night by evolving her into Hariyama at level 24, and then I went to bed.

Things got stupid when I decided to start training my replacement Ralts. I had just got done inputting Ralts' wild Pokemon modifier code when I noticed my AR's memory was 99% taken by other games; games that came on the product by default, and ones that I never played before. I started deleting all these preset codes to preserve space, but the program froze in the middle of one of these deletions. I restarted my GBA-SP to discover that every code in my AR had been erased, including all the ones I can typed in manually for Ruby and Sapphire (separately)! But, it's okay, since this was a fast way to get rid of all the AR's dead weight without major consequences. And then, because the R/S "Game Shark Codes" guide on GameFAQs is horribly unorganized, I discovered that I had been using some wrong codes previously and that was why they weren't working on my game. So now I can control natures, abilities, levels, DVs, shininess, and species of Pokemon I can encounter!

I decided to have a little fun and use the "Level 0" wild Pokemon modifier. After laughing at being encounted successfully by a wild level 0 Ralts, I caught her to become the replacement for my Kirlia. As described yesterday, this level 0 Ralts is Bold, female, and has Syncronize. I also re-entered all the wild Pokemon mod codes for my "EV punching bag" Pokemon, and got to work on battling Wigglytuffs, Golems, and Dustoxes to EV train Ralts. It was so much easier to keep track of EV training against Level 0 Pokemon because they only give out 1 EXP Point per battle, and, therefore, my current progress at EV training could easily be determined by multiplying Ralts' current EXP points by 6. That really took some of the stress out of the process of counting EV values manually. Also of note is the fact that Level 0 Pokemon don't have any attacks but Struggle, so this made raising Ralts really easy after I gave her Hidden Power Dark. After about two solid hours of EV training, Ralts beat her last Wigglytuff about twenty minutes ago. The cool thing is that she's only level 4, so I still get the raise the Pokemon as if I'd caught her naturally in the wild.

I love the RPG aspect of Pokemon, but all the little "spices" in RS make creating the prime battlers for the strategy aspect of Pokemon VERY difficult. That's the ONLY reason I've been using an Action Replay at all. Anyway, right now, because I just got Ralts' Effort Ribbon, I'm at Slateport City. Next, I could either work on leveling up Ralts, (which shouldn't be as hard as usual because she already has Psychic via Game Corner TM and HP Dark at Level 4,) or I can start EV training the replacements for my old starter Pokemon. I'll figure out which of these two options I want to do when I pick up the game again sometime tomorrow; I think I'm going to try EV training Torchic next, whenever I do start EV training again. I'll post again either today or tomorrow, depending on how much I get done when it comes to Pokemon tomorrow.

Party -
Yay: Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (74) (28), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (75) (22), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (76) (24), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (77) (4)
Nay: Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (78) (25), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (79) (24), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (80) (25)


Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (81)

Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:47 pm
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (83)


Dragon Tamer

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (84)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (85)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (86)

Trainer Log
Emerald Version

After Resting up i noticed that the Elite Four had returned but the battle center was not open yet. So I decided to go to Victory Road, an awesome training place, while there i met up with wally he was somewhat tough but i managed.

After the battle is seemed that my Zangoose got alot stronger so i decided to test it out against a Hariyama.

The Hariyama was tough even at level 67 my zangoose had a hard time. The battle started with my Zangoose using Swords dance and Raising its attack. The Hariyama used Belly Drum so i went to attack with Aerial Ace (used the TM = ) the Hariyama was knocked out instantly.

Zangoose @ Lansat
Crush Claw ---> Brick Break
Swords Dance
Thunder Bolt ---> Aerial Ace
Ice Beam

After that battle i noticed it was 11:00 AM so i ran out of the cave and hurried up into the Evergrande City Challenge Center. Tvhere i healed my pokemon and started the battle against the Elite four. As i entered i saw a big line of stairs. I climbed up to enter a semi lit room. I entered and a Powerful Voice Welcomed me, it said: "Welcome Challenger! I'm Sydney of the Elite Four. I like that look you're giving me. I guess you'll give me a good match. Thats good! Looking real good! Alright! You and Me, Lets enjoy a battle that can only be staged here in the Pokemon League!". And so the battle began.

Sydney Sent out his Mightyena It looked Fierce. I sent out my Zangoose, i noticed it seemed to not be as brave as usual. I started the battle off by telling Zangoose to use Swords Dance. it used Sand Attack so i was in some trouble. I Commanded Zangoose to use Brick Break this time. it missed and Mightyena attacked with Crunch, it did some heavy damage

Zangoose 161/199
+1 atk
-1 Accuracy

I told Zangoose to use Brick break again with full effect it hit dead on and Mightyena was knocked out! next was shiftry it was alot speedier than mightyena so i was somewhat catious. I Decided to try out Zangoose' Ice Beam, It hit its mark but Shiftry survived. It used Double team to confund my Zangoose.

Zangoose 161/199
-1 Acc

Shiftry 1% - 5%
+1 eva

Sydney started off with the next turn by using a Full Restore. I countered that with Aerial Ace which made its mark and knocked out Shiftry! Zangoose glowed a little then stopped. It must've grown a level. Next was cacturne i decided to retreat Zangoose and see what Typhlosion could do. This was Typhlosions first battle with me and i didnt know much of its moves so i decided to let it do what it wanted. "Give it your best Blast Typhlosion! Attack!" with out hesistation Typhlosion used Double team. Cacturne attempted Leech Seed but it missed. Next Turn Typhlosion used Swift with took a big chunk out of Cacturne's HP

Typhlosion 196/196

Cacturne 48%-52%

Typhlosion's Flames Combusted from its back and let out a huge roar, With this it used Flamethrower. Cacturne was burned and almost blazed. it fainted right on contact. Absol was next so i recalled Typhlosion and decided to see how well Dragonite was.

Dragonite 215/215

Absol 100%

I once again said to go all out. So it started by using Agility. Absol used Swords Dance to raise its power.

Dragonite 215/215
+2 spd

Absol 100%

The Battle Continued. Dragonite's Claw grew red with flames around it, eerie flames almost greenish. It Speedily Flew infront of Absol and Left its mark with Dragon Claw. It looked like Dragonite Hit a Critical spot. Absol Fainted after.

Crawduant was called up. I retreated Dragonite and sent out Zangoose again.

Zangoose Started off by looking at me and then raising its power with Swords dance. Crawdaunt did the same thing so it was somewhat matched.

Zangoose 164/202

Crawdyant 100%

Zangoose Sped off without even Recieving a command and hit Crawduant with Brick Break. Crawduants Huge Defense could'nt even take that hit. it Fainted as soon as the attack hit. That was Sydney's last pokemon with that the battle was over. Sydney Commented : "Well, how do you like that? I lost! Eh, it was fun, so it doesnt matter."

After i recollected my stuff. Sydney spoke to me: "Well, listen to what this loser has to say. You've got what it takes to go far. Now, go on to the next room and enjoy yout next battle!

With this i left Sydneys room and headed through the door and up the stairs.

[13:57]<jordanw>mine is 4897 4813 7695
[13:57]<Gabe_>Mine is ***-***-**** :D
[13:57]<Gabe_>:| oops wrong number

Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:38 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (89)


Dragon Tamer

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (92)

<L34's Day>
Today I went on an E4 bashing spree. I've raised my Hall of Fame count to 43 (not so high, but I'm not THAT obsessed) while training up my Kirlia. Now a Gardy, level 47. Putting together a good in-game team:

Gardevoir@ Calm Mind, Psychic, Thunderbolt, filler.
Manectric@ Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, Charge.
Salamence@ haven't thought about it...
Metagross@ Agility, Meteor Mash, Psychic, filler.
Machamp@ Cross Chop, Rock Slide, filler, filler.
<(Filler)>@ well, I don't know this one yet .

Using my lvl. 96 Groudon and Swampert as well as my lvl. 81 Glalie and my level 78 Rayquaza to beat the E4 and train the pokeys up.
</L34's Day>

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (94)

Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:09 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (96)


Psychic Trainer

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (98)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (99)

Recently i have been trying to get the Gold Battle Factory Symbol by beating it 6 times in a row. The one thing I can't understand is that it took me about 100 tries to get the Silver symbol (beating the 3rd round) and then I died almost instantly but on my 1st try at double battles I went down halfway through the 6th round. Maybe i'm the greatest on double but bad on single.

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (101)<img src="images/trainercards/marowaker.png"></center>

Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:15 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (103)


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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (106)

I finally caught a Modest Seviper today. ^_^ After a while of Sp. Atk EV training, I decided to go to the Battle Frontier and Speed EV train it with Smeargles. Bad idea. :roll:


Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (108), lv 22, Modest, @Shell Bell
Giga Drain, Bite, Sludge Bomb, Lick (Last two are fillers)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (109), lv 29, Gentle, @ Scope Lens
Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball, Crush Claw (Taking advantage of her high Attack score)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (110), lv 5, Brave, @Nothing (Surfer, and she'll be my new Milotic soon)
Splash, Dragonbreath, Protect, Surf (lol, I bred a Milotic with a Shelgon.)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (111), lv 5, Hardy, @Nothing (Just hatched, and another token of luck. It's female. I'm still wondering what to evolve her into.)
Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Return, Secret Power

EGG (It's making sounds. It's about to hatch!)

Next: I'm going to go somewhere else to Speed EV train. Smeargles are getting too powerful... :roll:

The statement below is false
The statement above is true

Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:58 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (113)


Ace Trainer

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (114)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (115)

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (116)

I'm trying to get a Hazer for BF reasons. I choose to use Altaria. I already have a female one, so I will breed it. I caught a Zubat at Victory Road, now I'm raising it to lv. 46 or whatever by doing the switch when it's first thing while holding EXP. Share. I've decided to go to Artisan Cave to raise it instead. Team:

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (118) @ EXP. Share | lv. 36
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (119) lv. 80
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (120) lv. 39
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (121) lv. 44
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (122) lv. 33
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (123) lv. 29

Mon May 01, 2006 6:01 am
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I've only got a week before the tournament signups and a month before the tournament, so I have to start training like mad to get my Pokemon ready. I'm currently Sp. Atk EV training my Seviper (again) and Atk EV training my Zangoose. After I'm done, I'm trading them to FireRed with EXP Shares to level up.

(My team hasn't changed yet, as I'm reading the Psydex on where to Atk EV train.)

The statement below is false
The statement above is true

Wed May 03, 2006 3:16 pm
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Ace Trainer

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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (134)

I just restarted my Emerald again because I wanted to try EV training. I'm not at the first Gym yet but I'm working on teaching my Ralts Confusion ( it's currently at Lv.5). I hate having to switch to my Torchic all the time. I'm also trying to get my Lotad to learn its third attack whatever it is and then raise them all to Lv.12 before I face Roxanne.

My Team:

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (136) Lv.4 Item: None
Ability: Rain Dish
Nature: Mild
Moveset: Astonish, Growl

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (137) Lv.5 Item: None
Ability: Trace
Nature: Docile
Moveset: Growl

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (138) Lv.10 Item: None
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Careful
Moveset: Scratch, Growl, Focus Energy, Ember

Wed May 03, 2006 4:37 pm
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (140)



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Ruby (Player: Mike; Time: 31:04; Pokedex: 14; Badges: 3) -

Well, since my last update, I've finished EV training all of the replacement Pokemon for my original six teammates, and I'm currently leveling up to take on Flannery. Amazingly, just completing the EV training/leveling up of Ralts, Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko has taken over eight hours according to my game's clock, and this is not counting unrecorded resets. Actually, I could take on Flannery soon, but I think I'm going to try to add some bulk to my Pokedex instead; let's face it, 14 Pokemon for 31 hours of gameplay is not a very good ratio. I figure Wynaut will be an easy (and fun to use) in-game "capture" since the lady in Lavaridge basically gives it to you. Ideally, I'd like to use some Pokemon that I HAVEN'T used in twelve previous save files. Nincada and Numel are two Pokemon lines I'd like to try using for once, although EV training a Pokemon that evolves into two different Pokemon might be tricky. Luckily, Nincada has only two good stats, and one of them as shared as Shedinja's only good stat...

Current Pokemon (All):
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (144) (20), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (145) (20), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (146) (20), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (147) (20), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (148) (22), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (149) (24), Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (150) (28)

Wed May 03, 2006 6:21 pm
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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (155)

Today I decided to make an entirely new team. I thought up of...

Flareon @ Whetever...
Nat: Hasty
EVs: 252 Speed, 128 Att. 128 Sp. Att.
- Flamethrower
- Flail
- filler
- filler (lol two fillers)

Jolteon @ Whatever...
Nat: Modest
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Att.
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Sand-Attack
- Quick Attack

Tentacruel @ Whatever...
Nat: Mild
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Att.
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Confuse Ray
- filler

Houndoom @ Whatever...
Nat: Modest
EV's: 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Att.
- Flamethrower
- Crunch
- Will-o-wisp
- filler

Sceptile @ Whatever...
Nat: Modest
EV's: 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Att.
- Leaf Blade
- Crunch
- Agility
- filler

Aerodactyl @ Whatever...
Nat: Adamant
EV's: 252 Speed, 252 Attack.
- Ancientpower
- Wing Attack
- Steel Wing
- Take Down

Wewt, right now I have:
Treecko Lv. 5 |Aerodactyl Lv. 5 | Eevee Lv. 5
Houndour Lv. 5 |Tentacool Lv. 5 |Eevee Lv. 5
All have the right natures... and egg moves. A long time that took.
Now EV training them all. Sounds fun...

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (157)

Thu May 04, 2006 6:37 pm
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (159)


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Today I played my game thing a bit more. First I had to beat the team aqua guys on the volcano mountain place, and Archie was actually kind of hard (though I still beat him =) ). After that I trained a little in the grassy areas and caught a spoink. Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (164)!!! Spoinks are awesome.

Um... Then I got the egg from the lady and put my dustox in the PC. It was nice having you on the team, Dustox! After that I went to the gym to beat Flannery, who is possibly the easiest person to beat ever. My golbat took out her two slugmas, then I switched to dustox (apparently I put him in the pc later) when Flannery took out her torkoal, since she'd use Overheat and therefore drop torkoal's special attack way down. Thanks for taking one for the team, dustox! Then I sent out marshtomp and he beat torkoal really quickly, obviously.

Then I went back to the fire cave place to get the Toxic TM for golbat, and then I decided to catch everything in there. Took forever to find a koffing! STUPID grimer! Well I was walking around in there for like an hour and a half (!!) for a pokemon that would just sit in the pc, but I like koffing so it was worth it, I guess. Plus, all my pokemon grew like 2 levels in that time so it was free training, kind of.

Then I went down to Verdenterf Town (I think that's how it's spelt) to check on Golbat's happiness, and she said the "It seems very happy. It obviously likes you a whole lot" one, so I went up to the ash place to get golbat up a level so he'd evolve. And it worked out because that did happen, and at the same time I got a ton of ashes! Then I went through the moon cave thing to rusburo, through the rocky whismur cave place to Verdenterf, and that's where I saved and quit.

Whew, I played a lot today!

Current team:
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (165) lv. 32
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (166) lv. 28
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (167), lv. 31
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (168) lv. 30
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (169) lv. 22 (needed for the caves... poor sandslash)
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (170) lv. 5 (hatched during all that walking around all over the place)

here's the team:
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (171) Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (172) Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (173) Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (174) Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (175) Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (176)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (177) This is Kipper. He's my cave HM helper and secret base-er. He's my friend.

Thu May 04, 2006 11:00 pm
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I put the Zubat in the DayCare, he went to lv. 46 or whatever, put an Altaria in with him, got the egg, took them both out, then I raised my Zangoose with the egg, now I got bored, so I'm at the Battle Factory. I saw and got a shiny Mr. Mime, then I got a great-looking team. It was:

Gardevoir @ Chesto Berry
Calm Mind
Double Team

Ludicolo @ Shell Bell
Ice Punch
Fire Punch

Charizard @ ? (I forgot...)
Aerial Ace
Dragon Dance

It did pretty good, but then a Kangaskhan knocked out Gardevoir and Ludicolo, somehow, and then that person had a Gyarados that knew Thunderbolt and Hydro Pump, which really surprised me. -_- And then the next time I started a Factory challenge, I could choose from: 6 Physical Sweepers! Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (184)

Edit and Off Topic: Yeah, 360th post!

Fri May 05, 2006 5:49 am
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (186)


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Last night I decided to play Emerald version to try to help me get to sleep, so I did. Here's what happened up until I turned it off then:

I got out of Artisan Cave and flew to Lilycove, where I went Pokeblock-crazy to evolve my Feebas into Milotic. After I got her beauty maxed out, I went over to the outside of Lilycove on the way to Mt. Pyre, where she evolved after Slasher (zangoose) defeated a Mightyena. After that, I surfed to Mt. Pyre for some Atk EV training. While I was there, I saw a Duskull, but since I already have one, I KO'd it. After a few level-ups, I left there for Fallarbor for Sp. Atk EV training on Nyoka (Seviper) and Mabel (Milotic -- soon to be namechanged).

And now.

I'm Sp. Atk EV training for a few more minutes, then going to Altering Cave to Speed EV train with Zubats (And maybe find a shiny). Once I'm done there, I'm going back to Mt. Pyre to Atk EV train Slasher. (Maybe I'll find another Chimecho ^_^)

Current team:

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (191) Nyoka, male, lv. 25, Modest, @Shell Bell
HP: 74 Atk: 54 Def: 39 Sp. Atk: 69 Sp. Def: 42 Speed: 42
Giga Drain, Flamethrower, Bite, Sludge Bomb (Flamethrower for Skarmories.)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (192) Slasher, female, lv. 32, Gentle, @Scope Lens
HP: 94 Atk: 80 Def: 47 Sp. Atk: 52 Sp. Def: 57 Speed: 68
Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball, Crush Claw

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (193) Mabel, female, lv. 13, Brave, @EXP Share
HP: 47 Atk: 22 Def: 27 Sp. Atk: 35 Sp. Def: 39 Speed: 26
Ice Beam, Dragonbreath, Surf, Protect

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (194) Annie, female, *shiny*, lv. 61, Jolly, @Lax Incensce
HP: 190 Atk: 158 Def: 133 Sp. Atk: 108 SP. Def: 120 Speed: 173
Crunch, Fly, Earthquake, Dragonbreath (She's for flying/in case the others get KO'd.)

Whee, zubats. Maybe I'll find a shiny in here Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (195)
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (196)

The statement below is false
The statement above is true

Fri May 05, 2006 1:55 pm
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (198)


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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (201)

Got sidetracked today, I was mainly doing BAttle Factory because I was bored. I realized that then started catching more pokemon for pokedex. Missing pokemon: Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Vigoroth, Slaking, Kadabra, Alakazam, Golem, Crobat, Machoke, Machamp, Electrode, Magcargo, Muk, Weezing, Grumpig, Sandslash, Vibrava, Cradily, Armaldo, Wigglytuff, Milotic, Dusclops, Raichu, Golduck, Xatu, Donphan, Rhydon, Walrien, Lanturn, Seadra, Kingdra, Salamence.

(^The above are all RSE pokedex pokemon^) I realized that they were all pokemon that were to evolve from other pokemon, so now I have to raise a team, same team as before, to beat the E4 and train them up. I'm sad Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (203).

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (204)

Fri May 05, 2006 2:38 pm
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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (209)

Sweet...I have my team maped out and have almost completed it.

Hmmm...I thought...I might as well level up in the Elite Four in Emerald before totally going EV training for Feebas(which I made about 17 Pokeblocks for).
Anyway my last Hall of Fame was with my Tyranitar, Salamence, Sceptile and Snorlax, which all had coins to boost my money earnings and Gardevoir and Poliwhirl who I switch around with the Exp.Share.

Poliwrath is my friends I trying to make a good one for him.

Heres my team which is yet to completion...

Modest EV SA129 D129 HP252

Modest EV SA252 S252 HP6

Adamant EV A252 S252 HP6

Sceptile(male)@Lumberry-can not be named due to his trainer being deleted by mistake.
Modest EV SA252 S252 HP6

Adamant EV A252 S252 HP6

Careful EV A92 D140 SD120 HP158

Told you I would nickname them
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (211)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (212)

Fri May 05, 2006 8:47 pm
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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (217)

I did some mad training today, and a bit of rarecandy-ing later on. I got my Seviper's Sp. Atk over 100 before lv. 40, and three of my Pokemon to lv 100. Only, now the last Pokemon in my team is flipflopping again, as the Milotic I was training isn't as good as I thought it was going to be. So now, I have to find either a good Electric, Ice, or Water-type to fill the spot. I'm leaning towards Vaporeon/Jolteon at the moment, though, as I have a few Eevee hanging around in my box. I also renamed one of my Pokemon, and plan on renaming two more as soon as I can.


Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (219) Nyoka, lv. 37, Modest, male, @ EXP Share
HP 106, Atk 80, Def 57, Sp. Atk 105, Sp. Def 60, Speed 63
Giga Drain, Crunch, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (220) Slasher, lv. 40, Gentle, female, @Scope Lens
HP 115, Atk 100, Def 58, Sp. Atk 65, Sp. Def 70, Speed 85
Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball, Crush Claw

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (221) Lisa, lv. 5, Hardy, female, @nothing yet
HP 21, Atk 11, Def 11, Sp. Atk 11, Sp. Def 11, Speed 11 (lol eleven.)
Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Return, Secret Power

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (222) Nuri, lv 100, Hardy, male, @Scope Lens
HP 305, Atk 279, Def 182, Sp. Atk 251, Sp. Def 153, Speed 218
Sky Uppercut, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Blaze Kick

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (223) Hannah, lv 100, Sassy, female, @Shell Bell
HP 274, Atk 160, Def 167, Sp. Atk 286 Sp. Def 292, Speed 203
Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunderbolt, Psychic

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (224) Eliwood, lv 100, Rash, male, @Soul Dew
HP 306, Atk 222, Def 209, Sp. Atk 327, Sp. Def 248, Speed 270
Psychic, Recover, Dragon Claw, Fly (replacing with Calm Mind soon)

w00t for Latios's 327 Sp. Atk score! Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (225)

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Sat May 06, 2006 4:59 pm
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Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (230)

Well in Ruby i'm still EV training Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (232) . I don't get howyou always have to labor doing these things and Emerald is losing to the BF factory BIG time while the team is getting ready on Ruby.
Future BF team:
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (233)
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (234)
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (235)

Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (236)<img src="images/trainercards/marowaker.png"></center>

Sat May 06, 2006 6:41 pm
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OK. Lot of things have happened since my last report and I won't write about all of them. This is a list of things I've done/have happened:
- I saved the world from a major disaster after finding the dragon pokemon Rayquaza.
- I found a strange underwater cave and after a long time I discovered its secret and was able to fight and catch the legendary pokemon Regirock, Regice and Registeel
- Won my 8th badge against Juan
- Challenged the Elite Four and the Champion, becoming the new Hoenn Champion.
- Met two young trainers that lend me their starters for breeding. Now I have a Mudkip and a Torchic.
- Finally made my secret base
- Scott invited me to the Battle Frontier. I've managed to win a couple of challenges, but it is way too hard. I must train a lot.
- I rematch Dad and won again, but this time it was much more difficult

I think that's all "important" things. Now I'm training all my pokemon, and breeding and training more. My next goal is to win all the pokemon contests.

My E4 team:
- Galy, the Sceptile@Shell Bell [Toxic, HP Ghost, Leaf Blade, Detect]
- Manectric@Magnet [Spark, Thunder Wave, Roar, Bite]
- Flygon@Soft Sand [Crunch, Dragonbreath, HP Electric, Earthquake]
- Golduck@Lum Berry [HP Ice, Surf, Psych Up, Confusion]
- Absol@Lum Berry [Bite, Fire Blast, Slash, Swords Dance]
- Skarmory@Shell Bell [Air Cutter, Steel Wings, Spikes, Roar]

<img src="images/trainercards/stellarleader.png">
Psypoke - View topic - Emerald/ Sapphire (243)

English is not my native language.

Feel free to let me know if I say something wrong.

Tue May 09, 2006 2:11 pm
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