Moving Day - Chapter 3 - Jan1mal (2024)

Chapter Text

It was almost an hour later when Justin returned to the apartment followed by Ashton and the others.

“We need to start packing the kids’ and Zona’s stuff up. We can use the apartment for vacations and for when we have Spectre duties. Zona and the kids will stay on Earth. Let’s see the Batarians try to get through security on Earth. I’m going to tell Hackett we are leaving by the end of the week. My family and their safety is my top-most priority.” Justin said as he watched Chakwas cleaning up the kitchen, he walked over and braced himself for the worse. “Doctor?”

“Due to your quick action, Hunter should survive but I recommend getting him to a vet soon.” She said, looking at him.

Justin nodded. “I will. Thank you for helping. I will see about getting a vet as soon as we get to Earth. I cannot have this happen again.”

“I understand, Admiral.” Chakwas said as she and her assistants headed out the door.

Phoenix approached Justin as he closed the door and locked the door. “Justin, Karma and I can take Hunter to a vet on Earth. We can leave in an hour. Mav said we can use the Arizona to get there faster. The Arizona is scheduled to be in dry dock to get serviced and upgrades anyway. We’re going to take Lady, too. She got hurt too but not as bad as Hunter.”

Justin took a deep breath and nodded as Arizona slipped her arms around his waist. They watched as Phoenix and Karma sat on the couch with Ashton as he stroked Lady’s coat. Her paw and left ear were wrapped in bandages, but she seemed calm as Ashton sat with her. Justin looked over at Hunter who had been moved into Alex and Sam's old playpen. He tried to take a calming breath, but it got caught as a sob escaped him.

Arizona held him close as he struggled to get his emotions back into check. “I gave Bandit the shopping list. He’s going do the shopping.” She said as she smoothed his hair back from his forehead.

“How are the kids?” he asked quietly as she hugged him.

“They’re scared and are upstairs with Kaidan.” She said into his chest as he buried his nose into her hair.

After a moment or so Justin pulled away from her and reached for the gun in his waistband. “After we get Hunter and Lady on the Arizona, we’ll go to Apollo’s. I made a promise, and we need to be together as a family. But I want you armed. Not just with your biotics, but with a gun. I know you know how to handle this.” He handed her his gun. “Carry it at all times. I don’t care if you hide it under your jacket or leave it visible. You and the children need protection.”

Arizona swallowed hard as she took the weapon and turned it over in her hands. “I haven’t used a gun since the war.” She looked up at Justin as he leaned forward and kissed her.

“And I hope you don’t need to.” Justin said as he started heading up to check on his kids.

Justin was trying to make it look like he was relaxing in the chair at Apollo’s watching the crowd of people waiting for their lunches. His children seemed to be less frightened with their uncles and father with them, but he knew they were still shaken up. He didn’t want that fear to rule their lives, so he was trying to make it look like an everyday outing with his family.

Even though it looked like he was relaxed, he was on high alert, watching every person as they went by. He wasn’t going to be caught off guard, especially since his wife and children were with him. He felt that living on the Citadel had lulled them into a false sense of security. The Batarians may not have the numbers they had before the war, but there were still enough out there that remembered Aratoht that he knew his family would be in danger anywhere in space.

“Justin, darling, you are scowling.” Arizona whispered as she came up behind him and wrapped arms around his neck. She ran her hands down his chest and kissed his neck.

“Sorry. I told Hackett about this morning, he is going to unofficially station people around to watch the apartment in case they try again. He’s going to have the Normandy take us to Earth.” Justin said drinking some of his water as his kids ate their ice cream.

He listened as Ashton and Kaidan spoke to James, Joker, and Cortez about the trip to Earth. If everyone on their former teams pitched in, they would be on Earth by the end of the week. Vega was going to be stationed on Earth to help train recruits for a few months and had no problem helping them move.

Justin looked closely at James and Steve and noticed that they both had a sidearms strapped to their thighs. James nodded at Justin when he realized Justin was watching. He subtly motioned to his pistol and winked at Justin. Arizona noticed too. “You know, Justin, having our family protecting us means you can relax.”

He gave her a small smile. “I know, but you know I won’t.”

“I know but you could try.” Arizona said kissing his cheek.

Justin chuckled. “I will try for your sake and the kids.”

“Ash and Kaidan are sleeping in the main room, tonight. All four of the children are in Ash and Kaidan’s room.” Arizona said as she sat next to her husband on the edge of their bed.

Justin nodded and swallowed. “Karma messaged me. The Vet told her that Hunter should stay on Earth because there may be complications from the med-gel.”

“If you hadn’t used it, he would have died.” Arizona said, taking his hands in hers.

“I know, but that means Hunter and Lady will be staying with you and the kids on the ranch.” Justin said looking down. “I’ll miss him on the ship but it’s for the best.”

“He’s getting up in age. He’s not going to live much longer.” She said and gave him a soft kiss when he scowled at her. “I know how much Hunter means to you. Maybe he should retire, live out his days with his loving family.”

“I suppose.” He said looking at the picture they had taken of Hunter and Lady when he first got them.

“We can find you another pup when we get to Earth, like a housewarming gift.” Arizona said as she combed her fingers through his hair. “Have I mentioned I how much I love your hair.”

Justin smiled, “Not today but it’s nowhere as beautiful as yours.” He said pushing her down on the bed. “The kids asleep?”

“As far as I know.” Arizona smirked as Justin pulled her night shirt over her head and ran his hand down her sides.

“You’re beautiful.” Justin said kissing his way down her body.

Ashton stretched as Kaidan checked the locks on the doors and activated the motion sensor for the elevator and front door and armed the security system. “Kaidan, love, come to bed. Everything is working fine. Justin spent the afternoon checking everything.”

“I know but I’m just making sure.” Kaidan said as he scooted next to Ashton. They had moved the couches together so they were laying together. It wasn’t the best solution, but Ashton knew he, and Kaidan, wouldn’t sleep very well without each other there and they had promised Arizona that they would keep an eye on the door. They didn’t think the Batarians would try again, but it was not something they wanted to risk, so Ashton had said they would keep watch to ease his sister-in-law’s mind.

Ashton snuggled against his husband’s chest when his omni-tool buzzed.

“Ash, sweetie. Is everything alright?” HS

“Yes, Mom, Batatian problems rearing their heads again.” ASA

“Are my grandbabies alright?” HS

“Yes, Mom, they are asleep upstairs.” ASA

“Justin isn’t answering my calls or messages.” HS

“He turned off his omni-tool after Karma messaged him about Hunter.” ASA

“Is Hunter alright?” HS

“He got shot and Karma and Phoenix rushed him to Earth to a Vet. I’ll have Justin call you in the morning.” ASA

“I hope you guys are looking for a different location. Those Batarians won’t give up.” HS

“Yes, we found a better location. We are moving to Earth. You know the location.” ASA

“Alright, I will meet you at the spaceport. Let me know when you are close.” HS

“We will, Mom.” ASA

“Night sweetheart.” HS

“Night Mom.” ASA

“Your mom always worries about you two,” Kaidan said reading the messages over his husband’s shoulder.

“Your mom does too, Love.” Ashton said smiling as he turned over and looked as Kaidan watched him. “What?”

“Are you going to okay living on Earth? You were born and raised in Space.” Kaidan asked concerned.

“I’ll be fine, Kaidan. I’ve been on Earth before. ICT’s first couple of sessions are on Earth, six months after the Collectors, after the war.” Ashton said smiling as he ran his hand through Kaidan’s thick black hair.

“Ash, ICT was training, you were under arrest after the Collectors, and after the war…” Kaidan watched his husband’s bright blue eyes even in the dark. “If you’re not comfortable, you can always start teaching. Kahlee knows how much you care about biotics learning to use their talents.” Kaidan said quietly.

Ashton sighed and rolled onto his back and watched the lights of the strip below bounce off the ceiling. “Kaidan, do you see me teaching teenagers how to use biotics? Justin had to reteach me after…well…you know. I have been in the Alliance all my life. I don’t know anything else. Living on Earth for that year after the war was…difficult for all of us but Justin wants what’s best for his family, and that includes us.”

“You’re afraid, aren’t you?” Kaidan whispered as he placed his hand on Ashton’s chest.

Ashton gave a sad laugh. “The mighty Commander Shepard…afraid of being on his own home world. Imagine the press getting a hold of that.”

“You need to let Justin know how you feel.” Kaidan said slowly rubbing his hand across Ashton’s pecs.

“What am I going to say? I can’t go because I’m f*cking scared of Earth?” Ashton said irritably. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath when Kaidan’s hand stopped. “Sorry, I just don’t know what to say to my own brother.”

“You need to talk to him. He’d understand.” Kaidan said softly.

“What about you, do you want to go back to Earth?” Ashton asked opening his eyes and looking at Kaidan.

“I grew up on Earth, and I would love to show you all the places that Earth has…The Grand Canyon, the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall, the Pyramids. But mainly I want you to heal. Running from planet to planet is hard for you. Earth is a place you can recharge and not have to worry about the Council, Alliance, or Batarians attacking those you love.” Kaidan said watching the light cross his husband’s face.

“Love, I’ve seen the Eiffel Tower. We went that one year when we to that Chalet for Christmas in the French Alps.” Ashton smiled as he remembered the trip. It was the first time that he actually enjoyed snow…or what came after it anyway.

Kaidan smiled at him. “Yeah? Give it a few months, maybe you’ll like it there. It’ll give you time to heal and just be with me. Azi might also benefit from your help.”

“I don’t know about that, but spending time with my nieces and nephews might be nice.” Ashton said as he felt sleep start to pull at him.

“Ashton, please give it a chance.” Kaidan whispered as he kissed Ashton softly.

Ashton smiled as he snuggled against Kaidan and fell asleep.

Moving Day - Chapter 3 - Jan1mal (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.